Burpee 11's

YHC was originally planning a vanilla workout this morning, but last night WKRP claimed vanilla for himself and Bradford’s Ordinary, so I had to come up with something more flavorful.  Here’s what we ended up with.


Mosey over to the parking lot between the two fields, uh-oh our FiA sisters are already there, let’s head over to the other end to give them some space.  Circle up for side straddle hops x 19 because it’s my 2.0’s basketball jersey number, followed by Sir Fazio’s (both ways) and imperial walkers x 11 because 11’s, finish with ten burpees OYO because burpees.

The Thang

Take a lap around the baseball field and circle up in the parking lot.  Our FiA sisters are still in the lot between the fields, so we’ll use the pickle-less lot beside it.  Partner up, partners run around the parking lot in opposite directions, when they meet up do ten bropees, continue running around the parking lot doing one less bropee each time they meet until we get to one.

Stay in the side lot for a modified Dora 1-2-3 that I’m calling aroD 1-2-3.  Since we had a small crowd we split into two groups instead of partnering up.  Group 1 runs to the end of the lot and back while group 2 AMRAPs merkins, then flapjack.  Then do two rounds replacing merkins with squats, then do three rounds replacing squats with LBCs.

Take another lap around the baseball field and realize we still have time for something new that I’m calling burpee 11’s.  Perform one burpee made up of ten merkins and one squat jump, followed but one burpee made up of nine merkins and two squat jumps, continuing to decrease the number of merkins and increase the number of squat jumps by one each time until we perform one burpee made up of one merkin and ten squat jumps.



Mosey over to the skate park and go around the horn for Mary.


Count-a-rama:  7 Name-a-rama:  0 RESPECTs, 7 mehs, 0 HATEs Prayers / Praises:  Praises for Open Out, his M and their new 2.0, praises for Grease Monkey’s M they found a doctor who is helping with her issues, continued prayers for his mother, prayers for Imp’s M as she travels out of town and prayers for Imp as he takes care of the four 2.0’s, continued prayers for my M and her issues, prayers for folks who are losing their jobs and for the folks who have to make those difficult decisions BOM:  YHC took us out


Every time I call warm-up burpees I glance over at Red Ryder and I can tell he knows it’s coming.  If I don’t call them he’ll be disappointed, and I don’t want to disappoint him.

Burpee 11’s might be the worst thing I’ve ever done.  Thanks to the PAX for helping me out by going around the horn to call the ups and downs.

Maybe I was just worn out but it seemed like the PAX were calling the toughest Mary exercises they could think of.  That’s OK, YHC deserved it for the beatdown I put them through.  When my turn came around my mind wanted to call more burpees but my body overruled it and called Have a Nice Day.

I like the idea of switching up Dora 1-2-3 to measure progress by the running portion instead of the exercise portion.  I don’t think this is the best version of that, so if anyone has ideas on tweaking it let me know.

The burpee 11’s were brutal.  I hated them, I’m pretty sure the PAX all agree.  Give me a few weeks to recover and we’ll see them again.

Small crowd but a good crowd this morning.  I knew most of these guys pretty well already, but got to know Imp a little better, especially during the bropees.  He’s a good dude.

This beatdown was a lot tougher in the gloom than it seemed on paper, thanks to the PAX for getting me through it.  You guys inspire me and encourage me to do more than I think I’m capable of.  Thank you for letting me lead this morning.

See also