Bunch of Half-Dead Romanians (Friday, May 3rd)

SWW remains one of my favorite AO’s and with the stash of CMU’s (Cinder Blocks) acquired by Bayonne….it’s even more versatile! I try to keep most of my workouts to fairly high-tempo, constant movement type stuff, and I also try to ensure we hit at least one lesser-used muscle group. Today was no different and the targeted lesser muscles were the back and hamstrings.

25 HIM’s showed up to see what was in store, and I’m not one to disappoint! The weather was PERFECT! I had just returned from DR at about midnight, so I skipped the EC Run, though I believe about 5 HIMs showed for that. No FNG’s, so after a very abbreviated brief, we were off:

The Warmup:

  • Jog to the park entrance, then to the shelter parking lot, where “Bob” (Is that even his real name?) parks.
  • 20 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good mornings
  • Maybe some other stuff, I can’t remember, but hey….I’m still writing the BB!

Thang 1:

  • Grab the CMUs from behind the dumpsters
  • Group 1: Run to the park entrance, then to the pullup bars for 10 pullups
  • Group better than 1: 20 CMU kettlebell swings - focus on form, it’s a hip thrust, not an arm rasie…backs straight…bend at the hip only
  • Then flip flop, always running to the park entrance enroute
  • Repeat for three sets of each

Thang 2:

  • Do we have time for Dora? Sure….
  • Partner up for Dora 1,2,3
    • 100 alternating single-leg CMU Romanian Deadlifts
      • Backs straight, being at the hip, feel that hammy stretch!
    • 200 Merkins
    • 300 LBC’s
  • Partner runs around the bathrooms and through the shelter where “Bob” is already setting up for his enviable morning coffee and stogie. Enviable, for sure.
  • Most pax got through the RDL’s and Merkins and were well into the LBCs before time was up.



  • May 31st Century Day
  • June 8th Crazy Train
  • Memorial Day Convergence
  • All on Slack

McCants took us out in prayer

Coffee was enjoyed, and then YHC headed to NYBD for the best breakfast bagel sandwich in town!

See also