Bugs and BETA

The Maynard:  Ollie, Hermes, Joe Smith, Banjo, Wonderbread, Sky Blue, Denali, Large Mouth, Chanticleer Insomnia:  Shut-In, Bogo, Term Paper, Callahan, Old Maid, Water Wings, Flacco, Hello Kitty

Rolling Stone:  Repeato, Bartman Vesper:  Butterscotch, Old Maid, Hello Kitty, Flip Flop, WKRP, Pet Sounds, Badlands Shakin Not Stirred:  Shut-In, Khakis, Kilmer, Chop Block, Flacco, Cheddar Bo, Nature Boy, Snots, Turncoat (Churham), Parker, Term Paper, Open Out, Sabre, House, Chinese Downhill, Coney, Water Wings, Grease Monkey, Burt

Warm Up:  10 Good Mornings, 15 Hillbillies, 20 Merkins, 25 SSHs Thang 1:  Head to New Hampshire, Partner Up, Get a Traveling Rock, P1 Walk with Rock Overhead, P2 7 V-Ups, Catch Me If You Can, Watch Out For Bugs, Lots of Bugs, Too Many Bugs, Too Many Complaining Grown Men Thang 2:  BETA Test, Indian Run American Hammers, Passing a Rock, Don’t Let the Rock Catch You, More Complaints, BETA Test Fail, Omaha, Rocks Back, Run to Kiosk Thang 3:  Merkins Until the 6, 10 Diamond Merkins, 10 Rosalitas IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Dollys IC, Don’t Let Your Feet Hit the Ground Thang 4:  20 Derkins, 20 Dips, Dora 1-1-1, 100 LBCs, 100 Creaky (Squeaky) Rosalitas, 100 Freddys, Run the Parking Lot Loop Thang 5:  Indian Run to High House, No One From TheMaynard, Run to Park Entrance, Merkins OYO, Wait for 6, Back to the Flag

Strava:  Fly-By COR:  37 NOR:  Instagram Link Announcements:  SummerF3st @ Flaccos, Night Train Friday, More Maynards Prayers Praises:  Mississippi’s Family, Burt’s FIL, Grease’s Mom, Open Out’s Friends Baby, Banjo’s Daughter, CD’s guy Mike and His Family

NMS:  Burt Write Your BBs, YHC Had To Count His Own Warm Up Exercises Due To Excessive Chatter, YHC Likes Chatter, Mumble Kind, It’s Too Light Out For Nature Boy to be in the Front of the Pax, Go Back to the 6 Please, 37 Pax Today and About 20 Wore Their Bright Orange, There are Bugs at New Hampshire, Like Lots, Just Know YHC Will Always BETA Test an Excercise, How Else Will You Know if it Works or Sucks, This One Sucked, YHC Partially Blames the Pax in his Head, But As The Leader YHC Takes Full Blame, Pax Enjoyed the Creaky Bed Rosalita, YHC Didn’t Name It, YHC Thought of the Exercise Then Found it Already Had a Name, Name Not That Good IMHO, Did Someone Eat Egg Salad?, Khakis Talked to YHC About His Doc Visit, About His Doc Does F3, His Doc is Frozen Peas, Yeah You Know What That Means, They Will Partner Up at the Stair Climb Probably, But Not Look Each Other In The Eyes

Final Thoughts:  Good Times, Fun Fellowship, YHC Can’t Get Enough of This, You Guys Are Awesome

Shutty Cakes:  Out

See also