Bucket Handle Meniscus Tear? We report, you decide.

Wait there’s an AO in my neighborhood? Yes, yes there is. It’s a wonderful low impact AO designed to make men stronger with their own body weight and rocks. It’s also run by two high impact men in @Pickles and @Frisco. Who knows what @Frisco’s actual nom de guerre is today, as he and the site flag were MIA. Although he did give a head’s up that he might be absent due to working 0000-0400. Seems like its easy to finish up work, do an EC and roll right into site Q duties. But that’s just YHC……I kid I kid! As someone who has work nights in windowless rooms for good chunks of his career, it blows and sleep is king.

I didn’t have a plan for today’s workout. The more you Q the more you can wing it and no one will notice. Or so I thought. A vision of the day came to me as I sat on the throne at 0515. Drop and give me twenty. Coincidence? Maybe.

Walking over to the AO I was reminded how glorious mornings after rain storms can be. The fog. The cleansed air. The low humidity. I was excited to get in some strength work without much cardio. As a couple cars arrived, it was evident it was going to be a small group, an ideal group some might say. 6 pax and one FNG 2.0 circled up and a disclaimer was given. No pledge due to no flag….

Warm Up: mosey across the street to the pool parking lot. Good Mornings, SSHs, Merkins, IWs, and Hill Billys.

Thang 1: Lunge walk the length of the parking lot, turn and bear crawl back. Drop and give me 20 merkins. Repeato back with lunges and bear crawls. Drop and give me 20.

It was at this point that I learned that @JoeSmith is dealing with a bucket handle meniscus tear. Frankly, it sounded made up. It’s not and evidently the MRI also showed an unknown ACL tear from a years back that is now encased in scar tissue. Still skeptical, the Google machine confirmed that this is in fact a ’thing’ and our beloved rapping esquire is not just dodging please by BRR teams in need of studs to tackle mountain goats. Sorry bro!! Hope you get some answers/effective treatment soon!


Thang Two: Mosey back across the parking lot for ego rock work. 20 rock your body, 20 rock rows, 20 overhead press, 20 tricep extensions, 20 curls for girls, and drop and give me 20 merkins. Bear crawl up the parking lot, 20 more merkins and lunge back. Repeato the rock work, merkins, bear crawl, merkins, and lunges. Return rocks and mosey to the cars because again …… no flag.

Mary: LBCs, WWIIs, Heels to Heaven, Homer to Marge, and HAND.

COT: No announcements. Prayers for all parents, teachers, students, administrators, and staff from day cares to colleges. Virtual learning prayers as well. A big welcome to @KwikStop’s 2.0 Web Slinger. Hospital name Alex, he’s into legos, American Ninja Warrior, and Spider Man. He’s gonna fit right in around here. @Bartman graciously took us out.

Always an honor, hombres.

See also