B's for the Boys at BiB

AO: Back in Black

Date: 1/2/2020

QIC: Wrench

PAX: Augmented, Bagels, Disco Duck, Lite Brite, Snip, Staubach, Wrench

First post in the New Year, First Q of the New Year, and I have so goals to work to. So threw some conditioning stuff together to push myself and 6 other HIMs.

Start with the pledge to the Stars and Stripes, and off we go to the next parking lot over. Tricep stretch on a 10 count by the Pax, then a calf stretch, also with a 10 count, interrupted by 5 Merkins on the Q’s down.

Thang 1: Bat wings. 20 Sir Fazzio Arm circles in cadence forward, than backwards, 20 Seal Claps IC and 20 Overhead Claps IC, get a good burn on the shoulders early.

Thang 2: BOMBS. Similar to a Dora, bit the Pax do 50 Burpees, 100 Overhead Claps (need more after the Bat Wings), 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, and 250 Squats, while the partner ran to the far light pole.

Thang 3: had to do it once: Bear Crawl races. Second light pole back to the first, we all lined up and took off. It was close with Bagels and Augmented, looked like a tie from my vantage point. Mosey to the flag.

Mary, called by Pax. Duck called the Freddie Mercury’s, Bagels with the plank to plank jacks, Staubach with the American Hammers, YHC called Annie’s, Snip with some SSH, Lite Brite with the Have a Nice Day (rejected at first) then Homer to Marge (as the ladies runners group passes from Lifetime Fitness), and Augmented with the WW2s. Now it’s Lite Brite’ Have a Nice Day.

COT - I have a confession here, I got flustered with a point I made, and dropped it because the words didn’t come to me. Called on Staubach for the “6th man in” for some of his F3 story, and asked him what he hates about F3 (part joke after the bear crawl races, and to lead to the point), to make a point about “no growth in comfort, were all better for doing things we don’t like to build us up”. Words flustered in my mind, sounded bad in COT, and I apologise to these men. No disrespect intended towards these men or to the F3NATION.

Prayers/Praises: Snip’s father, Rich, has a back surgery coming.

Announcements: new AO, Point Break, coming next week. And EC run, Ambien, and Bible study, escalator.

Snip took us out.


Awesome working out with these guys, as it always is.

First time meeting Snip and Staubach, great guys to be in the Gloom with.

Make it a Great Day!