Bruising Phoenix


PAX: Ezekiel, WWW

Thank goodness for the bruiser option. During the FMJ workout with GTL as the Q, we did some hill work which is always an awesome workout. However, because of my knee issue, I was trying to be too careful and somehow on the way down the hill trying not to slip, I felt a sharp pain in the knee. So I modified to bear crawl up the hill and crawl bear down the hill.

Fast forward to today. I really enjoy working out F3 style so even with nagging knee injuries, Bruisers gives me the option to modify. So I pre-blasted last night and got a soft commit from Ezekiel.

There is always a good showing at Phoenix and Riptide is the Q who never disappoints when he Q’s.

As the Phoenix crew heads out, Ezekiel and I head off for a Bruiser’s style work out … F3 fitness with zero running. My knees thanked me for it.

We walked to the lower pavilion to warm-up. High knees, Sir Fazio forward, seal clap, overhead clap, Sir Fazio backwards.

Thang 1:

Traveling merkins on the picnic table. Start with Irkin’s x10, move down to bench for irkin’s x10, move down to ground for merkins x10. Repeato going back up. After traveling merkins, QIC called squat pulses for 3 sets of 20 IC.

Off to the rock pile for thang 2.

Thang 2:

Grab a non-traveling rock for some rock work. Rock-your-body. Curls for girls x10 into rock presses x10, into rock tricep extensions x10, to rock rows x10. Put the rock down for some ground work. On the bellies for glute firing leg-ups x20 each leg. Repeato back to the rocks then glute during leg ups.

Walk over to the stairs to get to top of the lake hill for thang 3.

Thang 3:

Bear crawl up the stairs and then crawl bear back to bottom of stairs, rinse and repeat but in the repeat, we work on coordination that I learned from Baconator and Sosa during the mobility and stretching workshop. It’s amazing how difficult it could be to do something while thinking about it. Ask Ezekiel how it was.

Walked to thang 4 heading back to the lower pavilion via the greenway.

Along the way we came across a bench which we stopped and did thang 4.

Thang 4:

3 rounds of dips and t-bagging x30, 25, 20.

Continue our walk to the lower pavilion for thang 5.

Thang 5:

Continuation of our picnic bench work. 2 rounds of legs on top of bench, LBC doing Pamela Anderson then Homer to Marge x20 IC.

Next 2 rounds were sitting on top of picnic table for boat-canoe and flutter kicks x20 IC.

Continue our walk back to flag to meet back up with the PAX to close out the morning.

Circle up for Mary with the PAX: LBC, boat-canoe, have-a-nice-day.


Lots of excellent fellowship with Ezekiel. You can learn a lot about a Brother when you slow down and enjoy the fellowship.

Ezekiel gutted it out with a blistered right heel that he sustained during aSunday ruck event with Banjo and gang … TRUE HIM and did not complain about it once.

See also