#ao-travel-ir-bruisers Work Deck

Being on IR sucks @$$ because it limits your fitness and can set you on a backwards slide (atrophy) depending on what ails you. But it should not stop you from meeting your fitness goals. The F3 disclaimer highlights an extremely important word, “modify as needed.” @Frisco DM YHC, @Disco Duck, @Theismann and @Crimson on Slack with a concept in mind to establish an IR AO. We ironed out the details and decided it was best to make this a traveling AO just like the rucking AO that @Bartman established. This concept will give the IRs an opportunity to get back out in the gloom to see those who they have not seen in a long time and not be tied down to a single AO. Frisco drafted the details and we polished the request. It was sent to @Ma Bell, @Banjo, and @Franklin for review and approval. It did not take them long for them to chime back with approval to our proposal.

I decided to visit DZ on 8/10/2018 to launch the maiden workout #ao-travel-ir-bruisers. @Cataracts joined me.

Bruisers started with the rest of the pax for warm-ups led by @Red Ryder (TY4YL). Lots of mumble chatter that it was hard to hear Red Ryder calling cadence. QIC did not disappoint because he called 10 burpees OYO which quieted them down some. QIC called plank-jacks into merkins on his call down and up. Mumble chatter subsided.

Bruisers broke off after warm-ups to work through the Bruisers Work Deck (Deck-of-PAIN).


Spades: Burpees (alternative: Merkin and squat - 4 count)

Hearts: Boat-Canoe (alternative: any exercise pax choice)

Diamonds: Diamond Merkins (alternative: pax choice)

Clubs: Dips (4 count) (alternative: pax choice)

Ace: Bear Crawl 50 steps

Joker: 5 pull-ups

Once we noticed the pax heading back to starting point, we called it and joined them for Mary and COT … 40 cards completed.


  • The deck of pain never disappoints. It was tough that I almost merlot. Glad I didn’t. It would have been tough to explain and live down YHC merlot on Bruisers maiden workout. Thank you Cataracts for your fellowship.

  • Please get the word out to any IRs you know that we have an option for them which will allow them to travel and get back out again. An injury should not stop them from still working to their fitness goals. They just need to be connected in Slack to monitor for workout locations or they call out and Q the workout.

  • F3 Carpex continues to not disappoint. Keep getting after it!!! CUITG and MIAGD/W/Y.

See also