Bruisers with a side of Vesper

YHC woke up not so bright but very early this fine morning at 4:24a, a good 30 minutes before my alarm. I took that as a sign to give Insomnia EC run a try. I was a bit intimidated by the 9 min/mile pace but was shocked to complete the 4.0 miles in 36 minutes flat. A record to try to improve on next time.

After the run I met up with Disco Duck and Pulley for a bruiser side workout at SNS. As the big group was off with Rip, we held in the parking lot for some limited running ankle friendly fun.

Warm up:

  • Good mornings
  • Windmills
  • Plank Jacks
  • Merkins

Thing 1:

Parking lot 11’s start with one squat, bear crawl to the island for 10 merkins, lunge walk back.

Thing 2:

Step up, dips, and urkins. 20, 15, 10 + a suprise 5.

Thing 3:

Modified Dora with 50 american hammers, 100 homer to marge, and 150 LBC.


Called a few Mary exercises while we waited on the PAX to return. Mix of dying cockroaches, low slow flutters, box cutters, and a few others. Finished mary with the PAX ending with have a nice day.

43+ total PAX, 3 for the bruisers beat down. Prayers for Michelob’s daughter.


  • Bruisers is way harder than it seems. Limited running does not mean limited pain.
  • It was an honor to lead my brother disco and my new brother pulley.
  • Having a lot of PAX at once site with many activities was nice. Got to see a lot of familiar faces that don’t travel south to Apex frequently.
  • Do something new to push yourself. Insomnia was a stretch - to early, too fast, too far but I fought my excuses and succeeded this morning.
  • I did feel like I was cheating on Crimson. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder? Tune in next week for Crimson partial Q week to celebrate his birthday.
  • Duck is a beast. Enough said.

See also