Bruisers stroll with their KB Buddy

YHC/QIC called a Bruisers workout for Phoenix yesterday to see if there was any interest. @Disco Duck HC, so it was on. DD mentioned he had KBs we could use. I could not turn it down so I rallied my brain cells to think up something to do with the KBs. We had to make good use of them. I decided we can become close friends with our KB buddy all the while enjoying the blissful views of Bond Park.

After the Pledge of Allegiance with the pax, the Phoenix pax led by @Liverpool and @Sooey headed out and the Bruisers stayed back. @Disco Duck and @Texas Ranger accompanied me for a Bruisers’ stroll. It was an honor that Texas Ranger stayed back because it was his first Bruisers workout. @Disco Duck is a veteran … he knew what was about to take place.

We started with some warm-up.

GM, Sir Fazio forward, Micheal Phelps, SF reverse, Micheal Phelps, and lastly, we stretched the calves/hammie’s/groin. The stretching was to prepare the pax.

We strolled over to DD’s car and I introduced them to their KB buddy. Once the pax was fully acquainted with their KB buddy, it was time to get some work done. Here is how it went down.

Thang 1 (15 light-pole)

10x merkins (wide / standard / close grip or diamond - switching at each light-pole)

10x ab exercise pax call with/without their KB buddy (most chose their buddy because it was only fair to keep them engaged and not feel left out).

However, as we traveled between light-poles, QIC called pax choice to keep their KB buddy engaged (curls, extensions, presses … you get my drift; it was the pax responsibility to not make their buddy get restless).

Thang 2 (7 light-poles)

10x KB exercises (Q call) (the exercise had a lot of squat holds built in).

10x Ab exercise pax call

QIC had planned for 26 light-poles but fell 4 short because the Phoenix pax came running by heading back to the starting point for Mary. Darn it … we need to pick up the pace next time.

We connected back up with the pax for Mary and ended with them.

I was pleased to have had fellowship with DD and TR. They made time go by quickly with a lot of mumblechatter and groaning.

See also