#ao-travel-ir-Bruisers Deck with Pain Sticks

YHC/QIC saw a post yesterday by Pet Sounds to fartsack today due to some feet issues (plantar fasciitis). I know what that feels like because I had it in the past and it royally sucked. I thank God each day I do not have to deal with it any more. I decided to start a thread with Pet Sounds’ post about seeing if he wanted to do an #ao-travel-ir-bruisers workout at #ao-Thur-flyingcircus. I’m glad he agreed. So that put some pressure on me because I did not want to disappoint workout-wise. PS is a beast and I wanted to make the Bruisers worth it. So I got to thinking, what am I going to do. This Bruisers needs something special to workout with so I said pain sticks would be the perfect thing … good weight and gets harder as the workout progresses on. Pain sticks it is!

I sent a message on #1stf channel to find out who was the keeper of those beastly things. Beastly things for a fitness beast. Thank you Build-a-Bear for meeting me and handing off a few of the pain sticks.

I arrived at FC and low and behold I did not see Pet Sounds. Disco Duck offered to workout with me if PS fartsacks. We had two minutes to start. 45 secs left, here comes Pet Sounds coming in hot but was not late. PS did not disappoint. Disco Duck was off the hook and he went with the rest of the pax led by Red Ryder.

Bruisers stuck with the pax through the warm-ups and then we broke off when they went to the running track. Pet Sounds and I went to gather our coupons, Bruisers deck and music. I can’t do a Bruisers workout without music … trending. Music of choice was The Foo Fighters (PS’s choice). Excellent choice if I may say so. We headed back to the basketball court to get our workout on.

Here is how it went down!

Thang - Bruisers Deck with pain sticks

Spades: Burpees (modified - we would do no less than 5)

Hearts: Box cutters (no less than 5)

Diamonds: stick presses (no less than 5)

Clubs: curls for girls (no less than 5)

Aces: bear crawl to half-court line and back to starting point.

Joker: pax call exercise and how many (man-makers, BTTW shoulder taps, boat-canoe, and big boy sit-ups with pain stick)

We got through 38 cards in the deck and did a boat load of burpees. The best exercise to get the cardiovascular system going.

We merged back in with the pax when they returned to the b-ball court to close out the workout.

Thank you Pet Sounds for coming out and joining me for some pain stick of fun to the infamous Bruisers Deck-o-Pain. It was a pleasure to have worked out with you in the gloom.

See also