Bruisers and Flying Circus dance

The gloom started great as we all gathered in anticipation of getting started. I started counting my Bruiser brothers and only had 4 HC including YHC. We were missing 1 … Disco Duck. As the 1 minute warning was echoed, still no DD. I checked my phone for a Slack message but there was none. DD did not show so I stepped in to lead the boys.

I DM’d DD to check on him and he stated he had to fartsack because his whole body was speaking to him not in a good way. I always say, listening to your body is key to prevent injuries. Healing is important. Fartsacking is approved.

As the main pax, led by Beaker, headed out for their run and warm-ups, I broke the Bruisers away to walk around the pickle while doing Sir Fazio arm circles to warm up the shoulders.

We circled up for warm-ups.

SF arm twirly things forward IC x10, then backwards x10, seal claps x10, overhead claps x10, Michael Phelps x10 … recover.

Merkin position on my down & up x10

Good mornings x10 IC

Cotton pickers x10 IC

Plank position for calf stretch x10 secs each calf

Hamstring stretch x10 secs each leg

Thang 1

Curbees (curb burpees) x10 OYO

Walked over to the basketball court to do thang 2. As I was going over what to do, the main pax were headed back to the parking lot so I called an audible to integrate back into the pax for the FC thang (Beaker called “The Beast”). Dang the beast delivered. 3 count Q cadence sucked in a tough way … albeit, awesome routine. I’m going to use it in the future.

Once we completed The Beast, Beaker took the main pax for more running. In Bruisers fashion, we stayed back to do our thang. Wait a minute, we grew by 1 … Frisco graced us with his presence. Welcome Frisco! Frisco could not help but to join us Bruisers because he hates having his feet doing double time. We continued on.

Thang 2

Happy Feet x10

Curbees x6 keeping in sequence with The Beast count

2 rounds of Mary (Bruiser pax choice favorite exercise x10 count).

Beaker pax arrived back to the parking lot for Mary and we rejoined them to close out our workout.


Glad DD took the time to rest. He was going strong a while. Well deserved downtime.

Still need kid’s band-aids for children with cancer … it’s all worth for that smile.

Ezekiel, Billy, and Pickles are killing it. I see them getting stronger each time … good on you Brothers!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead you fine Bruisers. It is always my honor!

God bless and peace out until next time! CUITG … WWW out!

See also