BRR Training Barkley Style

The hills at Danger Zone are intense! Having done a few BRR training runs there last year, I knew it was time to get back. When I saw the open Q spot, it was a sign that I must share the love. YHC pre-blasted the plans Thursday on the Slacks, so everyone could see the big idea. I know that DZ is not a high tempo workout, but would resemble that on this day. So much, in fact, all the Gran Torino Site Q’s were there.

To my surprise, there was a site Q in attendance. Little did I know he was there to audit my Q. Should I be nervous…………..when I get nervous, I run. This should go well.

Warm-Up:; 1.5 laps around THE Pickle (good to be back at the Original Pickle). Standardish warm-up, 15 SSH, 10 mountain climbers, 5 good morning, 10 plank jacks, 10 merkins.

Now for the main event. The route was described to the Pax. The goal was 5 laps. Each lap is about 3/4 of a mile. At the top of the hill, 20 LBCs, and lungewalk the bridge to the greenway. The hill from the bottom is different depending on which direction you go. Since we need to experience both, and I am a huge fan of the Barkley Marathon - we would do alternating directional loops.

So that is what we did. Some completed all 5 laps, most completed 4 laps, and everyone had a great time!!! IT was the best Q performance at DZ on that day, hands down. With the bonus points I will receive from writing this back blast, it might be the greatest Q in the history of Carpex…………….who knows!?!?

Announcements - TPC Saw Grass on Sunday
Prayers - Good decisions for some young folks, Strength for Liverpool and Cynthia on Sunday
YHC took us out.
Some went for coffee at Panera.

See also