BRR preview run

Team principal Hotspot has stoked the fire of our BRR crew.  Since YHC is still getting back in the groove after an overheat at Phoenix, a prudent decision to avoid the Maynard, and an open Q at Vesper, proved a good coincidence.

Unlike the last time, where batons, vests, lights, and other paraphernalia were employed, I kept it simple.  Bring back the batons, forget the rest.

After a brisk Insomnia, there was definitely some Q shopping going on.  Rucking with Bartman, bootcamping with Shutty Cakes, and then Vesper with Older Maid, while the Maynarders were out gettin’ schweaty, you couldn’t go wrong today.

The Thang

Form up into two groups.  We had a 3-person van (2) (ULTRA!) and a 4-person van (1) (SEMI-ULTRA).

The premise is simple; run the loop from the top of kiosk hill down by the dam, right turn into the forest, right turn again to the baseball fields, up the hill past the gate back to the top of kiosk hill.  Or reverse that.  Or if you’re the runner, opposite the direction of your team.  Got it?  Easy as pie.  Surely no one will get lost. Or mix it up.

And then they did.  Hello Kitty ran right past his turn, smack into a den of foxes.  Hey, how do you turn a dog into a fox?  3 shots of Jagermeister, 4 beers, then turn off the lights. HEYO!

Each time the runner met up with the van, the next runner took off in the opposite direction of van travel.  Each time your van got to the top of kiosk hill, you reversed direction.  It was great fun.  Yes, we were running around in circles.  But even Flip Flop commented on how cool it was to stay nearby and see what the bootcampers were doing.  Oh yeah, about those Monkeyhumpers…totally NOT my idea.

Van 1: Hello Kitty, Badlands, Flip Flop (that’s singular), and Old Maid

Van 2: Pet Sounds, WKRP, and Butterscotch


We had the typical discussion topics that might come up during a relay race in a van full of buds:

Hawk flybys, talks about puppies, saying good morning to every dog and human we passed, singing Little Bunny Foo-Foo Y-guides style, admiring Pet Sounds’ efficiency with the on-the-fly pitstops (and more discussion about FlipFlop’s near disaster yesterday) all while Hello Sh-…er, Kitty-was fighting the urge to purge, discussion of the diameter of the batons being too big, it was all a hoot.  Oh, and Badlands can flat tear it up the hill from the ball field to the kiosk.  Just sayin'

See also