BRR 2020 - work begins now

YHC grabbed the Q at Kryponite on the first Monday post BRR 2019 hoping to have the runners out again but only Hello Kitty and Wonderbread were brave enough to post on the Monday morning after running parts of 200 miles in the mountains.

My driver (Miss Daisy) or Nature Boy was coming in slow today so we rolled in at 5:28 and got quickly to work. Two laps of the pickle then some warm up that included, GM, IW, MC and R/L stretch. Then off but not very far - stop at the benches for 3 rounds of 15, 12, 10 of dips, then irkins - repeat.

Next off to the traffic light - and come back to get the 6. Once all at the light - 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 LBCs. Run begins again up the hill - stopping at the next car entry way - rinse, repeat - all the way around the regency loop.

When we got to the big parking lot - a quick diversion for some lunge walking and then we all moseyed back to the start.

A quick Mary of WW2s and time was out - and looky there - Denali missed the workout but he did show up with some coffee for the boys.

Announcements - 9/11 stair climb, Odyssey, Golf Tournament and BRR 2020

Prayers/Praises - BRR participants

YHC took us out. It was fun to be back at Kryponite today - missed some of the regulars.

See also