Brought to you by the letter B

YHC was dismayed last Friday to learn that the one day I was taking off last week was the day F3Carpex went burpee crazy, and I missed all the fun.  Fortunately I had the next Dante’s Peak Q and an opportunity to help make #burpeefriday a thing.


Mosey to the circle for side stradle hopes, burpees (the best warm-up exercise), imperial walkers, merkins and mountain climbers.

Thang 1

Mosey over to the basketball courts, count off by fours, each group takes a corner.  Perform each exercise five times, then rotate to the next corner and repeat until you’ve hit all four corners.  When rotating along the sidelines the PAX run, when rotating along the baselines they walk.

Round 1 - burpees (no one suspects a thing)

Round 2 - double merkin burpess (some start to wonder)

Round 3 - double jump squat burpees (mumble chatter intensifies)

Round 4 - mountain climber burpees (PAX in disbelief)

Round 5 - plank jack burpees (everyone but Banjo hates me)

Thang 2

Mosey back to the flag and partner up.  Partner 1 runs to the fire hydrant and back while partner 2 does LBCs, flip-flop, then repeato with American hammers and Freddie Mercurys.


10 burpees (the best Mary exercise)


Announcements - Q School at the Bond Park kiosk 10/1 at 2:00, first annual Odyssey also at Bond Park 10/7 at 06:00 (if you can do this workout, you can do the Odyssey).

Prayers lifted for Sooey’s friend’s daughter Arie who is on her way home after a few days in the hospital, and for our brother PBX and his M who have dealt with multiple health issues recently.


Dante’s Peak is a beautiful AO.  It’s a big park with lots of different possibilities and options.  YHC was reminded of this by the site Q Water Wings about halfway through the burpees.  Next time I Q I promise we’ll make it over to the other side of the park.  No promises on the number of burpees we’ll do when we get there.

Thanks to the PAX for indulging me on my burpees obsession, and for allowing me to lead this amazing group of men again.

See also