Brotherly Love

DATE: May 14, 2018 QIC: Wonderbread and McCants AO: A-Team PAX: McCants, Chinese Downhill, Ma Bell, Wonderbread, Imp, Repeato, Clavin, Liverpool, Flip Flop, Smokey, Swag, Old Maid, Goose, WKRP, Shut-In, Chipper, Coxswain FNG: Swedish Fish

YHC planned a solo Q that became a Co-Q thanks to McCants brother being in town and the need for big brother to personally deliver the beat down on little brother. And as a big brother myself, it was a thing of beauty. Made me realize I need to get my own pipsqueak kid brother out in the gloom the next time he is in town just so I can show him that I can still kick his butt. Although, judging from the hand gesture little brother made towards YHC about half way through, I think big brother was trying to defer blame for the pain. Regardless, welcome FNG Swedish Fish! It was great having you.

Warm-Up - McCants is your Q

A little Mosey Side Straddle Hop Merkins Imperial Walker Sir Fazio Arm Circles

The Thang 1 - McCants

7’s - At the big hill by the lake, Burpees at the top and LBC’s at the bottom. Flip Flop (that’s singular) attempts to get some stories out of Swedish Fish about McCants. All Swedish Fish can muster is “water.” To which Flip Flop (that’s singular) says “Water” isn’t here and proceeds getting after it. Nice work Flip Flop.

The Thang 2 - McCants

Mosey to the shelters and picnic tables Incline Merkins - 3X Dips - 3X Left/Right Step Ups - 3X

The Thang 3 - YHC (After McCants hands off)

Mosey to the basketball courts The Tammy Wynette - Shout out to WKRP for no apparent reason. Partner up. One partner does ten push ups while the other partner “stands by his man” and does ten squats. Then partners switch and repeat up to 100. YHC had to audible after 50 as the PAX started to falter.

The Thang 4 - YHC Keeping partners from Tammy, Partner 1 runs suicide while other partner does Balls to the Wall. Then partners switch. Repeated a second time. Was going to repeat a third time until Smokey informed YHC that I shouldn’t make him angry. We took his advice.


Mosey back to start. Q struggled to speak. McCants takes us out with some LBC’s.


Announcements: Memorial Day Convergence; June Crazy Train Run with Old Maid and Hermes Prayers: Burt and Burt’s deceased aunt


Last minute Co-Q was fun. Thoroughly confused the PAX, but folks caught on.

I should have mentioned this during COT but I was having enough issues with just pronouncing Swedish Fish at the time. Special thanks to McCants for first inviting me out to an F3 workout nearly four years ago at A-Team. It was an honor to be able to Co-Q with you. And as always, its an honor to be out in the gloom with all of you.