Brotherhood of the Traveling Rocks

The plan this morning was to travel around SNS with some rocks.  None of this standing around in a circle stuff.  Get that heart rate up!

Warm Up

SSH x 20

Merkins x 15

Good Mornings x 15

Mountain Climber x 15

Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward and back x 10 each.

Burpees x 5 OYO

Thang 1

Get a medium sized rock.  Mosey over to parking lot.  7 exercises around the parking lot perimeter. Traveling exercise with rock from island to island, with a lap around the entire parking lot between each set.  Plank hold while waiting for everyone to complete the run.  10 count plank hold before starting next exercise.

  1. Walking Lunge
  2. Side Shuffle with Bicep Curl
  3. Side Shuffle with Lateral Shoulder Raise
  4. Speed Walk with alternating Shoulder Press
  5. Rock your Body
  6. Bear Crawl with Rock Slide
  7. Burpees with Rock Press

Thang 2

Put the rocks back.  Mosey over to the parking space curbs.  Heels up on curb, everyone deep squat hold.  First person in line does 3 squats, all the way down the line.  32 people.

Hell squat x 20 OYO.  Starting position like a merkin with knees bent.  Heels on curb, toes on ground, hands shoulder width on ground, knees 2 inches from pavement.  Press up with legs.  Lots of groaning.  We will definitely do those at all my Q’s from now on.

Partner up, similar size.  Partner carry all the way back to the senior center.


Low slow flutters, Boat-Canoe, LBCs, Cross-Body Mountain Climbers.


Count-a-rama:  32

FNG: Strange Brew


F3 Dads at Bond Park, 09:00, 26AUG2017

9/11 Stair Climb 06:00 at Carter-Finley Stadium

CSAUP Odyssey at Bond Park, 06:00, 06OCT2017

Prayer Concerns

Kids going back to school.  Young children Luke and Liam with serious ailments.


Large group.  I started to lose my voice from yelling across the parking lot at everyone.  Voice cracked several times, apparently going through puberty again.  Always a pleasure to lead.

See also