Brotherhood of Stone

Pre-warm up: Some of the HIMs gathered by the pull-up bars for some extra credit sets; good job!

Warm-up: Good mornings, Hillbillys, and to everyone’s surprise, LBCs (good for later). There was a lot of mumble-chatter at this point and spirits were high. Everyone grabbed a cinder block or a couple of concrete cylinders and we moseyed with them to the lower hill for Thang 1.

Thang 1: American Hammers with Coupons on top and Berkins (Block Merkins) on the bottom for 11s with block carrying sprints in between. Oddly enough, somewhere around the halfway point of Thang 1, the mumble-chatter died off completely..Q Success! :-).

Thang 2: Grabbing our favorite coupons we moseyed some more over to Hill two for the another round of 11s: This time we did Block Burpees on top and LBCs (see, that’s why we do warm-ups…) at the bottom. We were originally going to do leg raises with the coupons, but that seemed a little excessive. There was a lot of modification and grunting, but everyone stuck with it until the very last rep. Good job with the group work and watching out for the six…

We moseyed over back to drop of the coupons as time was running short, but as we got back to the flag, unfortunately it was on the ground, so that meant 10 penalty burpees for everyone, OYO.

COT: Announcements – Upcoming Convergence workout (check SLACK for more details). Pierogi is collecting donations of women’s workout clothes for the shelter.

Prayer / Praise: Prayers for Ausfahrt family as he just lost his dad. Prayer for a girl in Crimson’s family who is struggling to get on stable ground from drug addiction. Praise to God for Texas Ranger who is celebrating 20 years of wedded bliss.

Last/Bonus Round: 10 burpees OYO for Mississippi, lead by Texas Ranger.

Reminder: When challenged at work or at home; dig deep and chose wisely.

See also