Brother Bri and the letter B

When scrolling through the Exicon in search for new ideas that have not (to YHC’s knowledge) been executed in/around Carpex and you don’t even get past the letter B… you know it’s going to be a good day.

_NMS: YHC was ready for EC this morning, but the old bowels had another idea in mind. EC was skipped for a trip to Harris Teeter and back._

22 Bros meet up at the Field of Dreams. The F3 mission statement and credo were dropped on ’em and we were off.


  • Run the pax down the parking lot for some agility city and then circle up for: GM, Nature Boy SSH, Sir Fazio + Overhead + Seal Clap + Sir Fazio, Merkins and a count off

The Thang: Over and into the field for the letter B exploration

  • Introducing Blue Falcon: Split the pax in half, and each heads to the opposite side of the field. Each team does the exercises that they decide for 5 minutes. All meet back in the middle and we take a lap, then the teams tell each other what they did and flip flop for another 5 minutes, followed by another all pax lap.
  • Introducing Bodies Hit the Floor: While playing the rather up-lifting (am I right, Pivot?) song pax hold planks and when they sing (it was singing right?) “let the bodies hit the floor” pax did a donkey kick, and when they say a number pax did a Merkin.
  • Introducing Bear Fights (I think the highlight of the day): Pax get a partner and while one partner bear crawls the other guy pushes back against his shoulders. 3 times through, with an over-and-back across the field run each time in between.
  • Introducing Burp Merkin: Merkins in the burpees from 1-to-10-to-1. So, we did 1 burpee with 1 merkin in it, then we did 1 burpee with 2 merkins in it, then we did 1 burpee with 3 merkins in it. Up to 10… and then back to 1.
  • With time inching up on us we went back to the main lot for a round of Mary.

COT: 22 Bros, Callahan took us out

NMS: I freaking loved these Bear Fights. They might replace Bull in the Burpee Ring as a Kitty go-to. If you missed Nature Boy’s EPIC Pick up the Six, here it is. He recounted the big day in which YHC was born anew at F3 as Hello Kitty. I love you guys, MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

See also