Broga, Some! Ring of Fire, Absolute Yes

Date: 10/9/19

AO: #ao-wed-lionsden

PAX: Hermes, PBX, Ramsey, Puddles, Sour Mash, Snots, Red Ryder, Chicken Little, Hamm, Head Room, Qwerty, Smithers, Magoo, Biner, Roasters, Theismann, Pet Sounds, Imp, Rooney, Yahoo, WWW

I’m nearing my Q goal for the year and that is to Q one AO time a week. I missed one week and that was because I was on my family vacation. I am at 45 of 52 Q for the year. Q’ing such a great bunch of HIMs is an honor.

This was Hermes V attendance at Lion’s Den.

No FNGs so the F3 Mission was recited, Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we went. Moseyed around the parking lot which is the most jogging I do for any workout. I’m still trying to preserve and prevent a partial knee replacement. After the mosey, YHC/QIC called the PAX to circle up for some stretching. I did throw in some Broga moves and that was intentional to get the body as limber and I could get it.

Warm-up: GM, Plank to calf stretch with some CFMs in between. Sir Fazio (F&B), seal claps. We did not go far because I brought the PAX to where I wanted to start the thang which I came early to prep. I had the PAX single count to 10 and then repeat with the remaining PAX to get 10 groups of 2 PAX. I had minor technical difficulties but I overcame the obstacle.

I combed the exicon last night to come up with a good workout. It took me a while but I found the right routine and the name was on point and on fire.

I mentioned coming in early to prep; well, I made 10 station weinkes to place around the parking island.Ring

The thang that I found was Ring of Fire

Station 1: Catalina Wine Makers

Station 2: Jump Squats or jump lunges

Station 3: V-Ups or Freddie Mercury

Station 4: Merkins

Station 5: Sumo Squats

Station 6: Box cutters or hells to heaven

Station 7: Burpees or Wolverine burpees

Station 8: Monkey Humpers or Homer to Marge

Station 9: Boat / canoe

Station 10: Low plank hold

After the first 10 exercise round, I directed the PAX to run the pickle. Round 2 … unfortunately, it was vanilla because we recycled the routine. I have a plan for the next time.

We had enough time to spare to get us back to the flag but before we do Mary, we went to the wall and assumed People’s chair for a 5 count down the line. Two rounds and went to COT.

QIC/YHC called 150 and have a great day!

Count-a-rama: 21

Name-a-rama: Respects (4), mehs (17)_


Respect week coming up during Veteran’s  week

New Disturbing the Peace AO hard launch next week

DTR Autism Run/Walk fundraiser … We have Team Carpex running

Prayers / Praises:

Prayers for our injured Brothers to heal right and get back out into the gloom.

Prayers for Red Ryder’s Mom, Rebecca, for healing hands on her.

Prayers-Praises for Yahoo’s home study to go well

BOM: Yahoo led us out … TYFYL!


Still recovering from The Odyssey. The organizers and SaG Team were awesome.

It continues to make me happy to get up each morning to workout with you HIMs. Thank you for being there in attendance.

See also