Bridge and Rocks

6 posted at #ao-sat-whiplash.


Mosey to water fountain and some light stretching.

Bridge. End to end run, back to center: 10 pull-ups , 10 merkins and 10 LBCs IC at one end, 10 CDDs and 10 Homers IC other end. Repeat x 4

Rock Pile to water fountain and back. With rock, 10 curls, 10 rows, 10 press, & 10 figures 8s. 10 active runners stretch IC at water fountain. Repeat x 2

Ellipse for Round Robin Mary

Former Raleigh’s Lutz visiting from Austin, TX and then ManRam was late. Maize was a last minute no show. Huxtable didn’t have to leave early.

Man Ram, Denali, Chanticleer, Banjo, Huxtable, Lutz

See also