Breathtaker Camo Koozie Q

YHC bid on and won Breathtaker, a 20lb weight vest that is auctioned off for charity each Friday in South Wake, which comes with a 5 post minimum for the week.  Not having earned my camo koozie yet, breathtaker made it’s 3rd appearance of the week so far.  32 were witness to what it looks like to Q with an extra 20lbs, in fact Theismann and Pivot both had their own vests as well!

FNGs: X-Man, Yahoo

Warm Up:

Disclaimer for the 2 FNGs then Pledge.  After that we moseyed over to a gravel parking lot nearby.  To get things started YHC called for 5 Burpees OYO followed by YHC’s personal favorite 5 Turkish Getups OYO.  Both are no joke with a vest on!

Then we did Hillbillies ICx20 and Goodmornings ICX15

The Thangs:

Mosey over to the circle at the end of the entrance road by the school.

Dan Taylor’s around the circle.  It’s straight out of the exicon but several PAX had never heard of this one.  It’s a 1:4 Squat to Lunge ratio.  As we did this YHC noticed several benches along the way.  This led YHC to lead the PAX back over that way where we gathered into groups of 3.  The threesomes alternated between 10 Derkins, Earkins, and Dips.

Mosey over to the parking lot.  Starting at one end we did Bear Crawls 3 parking spaces followed by 3 Merkins.  We did this to the first light pole.  At this point YHC was gassed, having used up all of the “Q Juice” due to Breathtaker.  An audible of 7’s was called with 1 Superman followed by, you guessed it, 6 Turkish Getups at the other end of the lot.  After the PAX finished we moseyed over to the track.

At the track we did 4 corners, on an oval, which the idea was intriguing to several PAX.

At “corner” 1 we did 30 Dying Cockroaches

At “corner” 2 we did 30 Plank Jacks

At “corner” 3 we did 30 Prisoner Squats

At “corner” 4 we did 30 Hello Dolly for Callahan because YHC was too tired to think at this point.

When everyone finished we gathered in the center of the track on the grass for Jack Webbs done to 20.  Theismann asked YHC if we could do Merkins instead of Pushups and his requested was granted.

Finally we moseyed back to the flag for Mary.


Homer to Marge, Boat Canoes, WWIIs, Pamela Andersons, Monkey Humpers, Have a nice day


  • Shut-In mentioned that with 32 Pax posting today and with FMJ typically at a high attendance that it’s probably time to start looking into forming a new AO nearby on Tuesdays.
  • TCP is this Sunday.  Mumblechatter about the time moving.  Talk to Sub.
  • A Carpex Wednesday AO at Waverly is in the works.  Talk to YHC, DD, or Earhardt for more info.

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • UTI for travelling “north of the border” and bringing his visiting brother out
  • Wahoo for brining his twin Yahoo out
  • Theismann and Pivot with vests


  • Yahoo took us out.


  • I encourage any Carpex Pax to make their way down to Womble Park in HS at 0530 on any Friday to bid on Breathtaker.  It’s a great 1stF and 3rdF challenge!

See also