Breaks at the ½ mile. We need to hit 4!

a quick Pledge of Allegiance and then off for a ½ mile run

**Circled up at Dude Solutions and did 20 Side Straddle hops, 20 Hill Billies 5 Good mornings.  

The Thang
We ran another ½ mile then did 25 American Hammers, proceeded to run another ½ mile and did some Low slow Flutters.   Another ½ mile and ended up at SWW. We circled ups and did a few exercises and then headed the long way back to koko booth to hit 4 miles. The trails were dark and only a few lights were amongst the pax but we made it back safe  

**Mary – 52 American Hammers.

3 for the EC Run. 
Announcements TP Saw Grass.

Prayers/Praises Build A Bear, Kids going back to school

Any other wrap-up/highlights/lowlights, etc.

YHC too care of the prayer.

See also