Breaking some rust off

AO: Tin2Iron

Q: Wrench

PAX: Bolton, Bootlegger, Frisco, Spicolli, WWW, Wrench

DATE: 8 April 2021

YHC got to T2I about 10 minutes early to grab coupons and set them out for the Pax. Cindy, kettlebell, 2 Pavers. Bolton, Bootlegger, and Spicolli were already there, not sure what I had in store for them. WWW came in shortly after, and Bootlegger said Frisco was supposed to be there.

0532, Frisco shows up and we can get to it. Typical Frisco. I ran it a few minutes later to make sure everyone got what they paid for this morning.

Start with the pledge, and we walk down the road to the lower entrance, and side step back to the top. Step on the block for some leg swings.

Walk back to the bottom and Everest walk half way, then bear crawl merkins the second half (seemed to be a fan favorite).

I had a list of what I wanted to hit, and in no real particular order. Isometric lunge holds, both forward and sideways. Deconstructed rock-yo-bodies, then one full one. Kettlebell scoot (hold kettlebell in squat hold, then walk around a parking space forward, sideways, and backwards), straight leg deadlifts, Tonya Harding’s, 100s hold with pavers, which slowly turned to silent boat/canoes, Homer to Marge on the block, bridges on the block, rows, with short walks to break it up. Did the Iron Cross with pavers (paver cross?) and led to the thought provoking question of “What has your 1stF done for your 3rdF? Bolton mentioned that his hammies weren’t happy, I told him to wait until later today or tomorrow to really see how they feel.

Pax called Mary, with Homer to Marge (again), American Hammers, boxcutters, Freddie Mercurys.

COT: led down the road of the thought provoking question. We are on the heels of Easter, we have a heavy message to carry. Being right we can spread the word. Not just in words, but our different service projects, bible studies, and interactions.

Prayers/Praises: Crimson’s nephew (?) and cancer, Yahoo and his court victory for Oleg (praise) and the continued prayers for carry over to raising Oleg and bringing him to his new home here in CarPex. Kidney Stone.

Bootlegger led us in prayer.

NMS: beautiful morning to push our minds, bodies, and spirits. MC was solid, and was a fun workout, at least I thought so, Bolton and Frisco may think otherwise. Any day I can get out with HIMs of this quality that CarPex has to offer makes it a great day.

MIAGD, gentlemen!