Breaking news: Men with maces running around town can't even properly disturb the peace

Despite tools made to crumble cement, a group of men wearing odd sweatbands who descended upon poor, fair POGL failed to break a single window. Although passersby described the group as “sweaty” and “out-of-breath,” no demolition dust or other typical signs of modern-day peaceful protests were observed. Chants included reciting the (American) pledge and closing in prayer. No posters observed, but many bumper stickers with an F3 logo have given reporters a hot lead to follow. What follows is a minute account of their activities, for our concerned and captive readers…

Low 70’s, fairly humid, clear morning at the site of DTP. 7 pax, no FNGs, but one guy’s first time at a mace workout so welcome to the cult-within-a-cult, Bumper Sticker.


Mosey with your mace around the block, then back to the COC parking lot for:

  • Arm curl rolls with mace, IC x10
  • Overhead press standing hold, 10-count
  • Standing twist side to side, IC x10
  • Slo-mo rock your body, IC 8-count x8
  • Slowly stretch down into downwards dog and walk, IC x5-ish
  • Standing one-arm extensions, not sure if they have a fancier name, x10

Mosey to the front of the Baptist church lot, and repeato with the weight of the mace on the other side.

Thang 1: Merkin burnout

Mosey to the park, in case we’re in need of a kinder, gentler surface for the merkin challenge.

  • 5 regular merkins
  • 5 plank mace merkins
  • 5 regular merkins
  • 5 rock mace merkins
  • 5 wide / diamond / plank mace merkins

Pause for varying short counts, sub 10.

Repeato x3 for a total of 75 merkins.

Thang 2: Leg circuit

Mosey to the swimming pool lot.

Do them all with the weight on the same side in cadence.

  • Overhand grip: Squat into overhead press
  • Overhand grip: Hinge ball side down, uppercut into battle lunge on opposite leg, back to standing.
  • One-legged deadlift
  • Side lunge, mace down along the straight, non-lunging leg. Step up into one-legged knee raise while flipping mace head. Back to standing.
  • 360 into reverse lunge. Note: Per my very thorough research, a halo is when you hold the ball whereas a 360 is when you hold the handle.

Mosey up the hill, stopping at the side road in the cemetery and repeato on other side. No gravediggers were executed out of respect.

Thang 3: Arm circuit

Mosey up the hill to the back lot by the side alley.

  • One-armed overhead press, single count x10ish
  • Uppercuts: Overhand grip, uppercut with hand not on ball, then uppercut with ball, center, repeat, IC x15ish
  • One-armed tricep extensions, single count x10ish
  • One-armed curls, single count x15ish
  • One-armed back rows, single count x10ish

Mosey to back lot of the Baptist church and repeato other arm.


  • No time, so run tall and suck in your abs.
  • AYG alley with about 40s left. A bit harder when you have a mace.


Announcements: The months of September and October no longer belong to you. You’re welcome for F3’s leadership.

Prayers & praises: Praises for returning students and returning travllers. Prayers for Free Bird and healing.

2nd F: Tclaps to Wahoo for coffee.


  • Merkin challenge sucks slightly less with a group of guys pushing you.
  • Mace mileage records are a new thing for the popup; no one tell Hi-Liter.
  • Carpex coffeeteria has basically become YHC’s source of news, as I hadn’t even heard of the latest child tax credits and Washington happenings. I appreciate these moments to catch up and share what’s going on with everyone. You can learn a lot about a lot of topics (some trivial and some not) but it’s always a great way to start the day.

See also