Breaking news, Franklin Q sets the mileage record at Gran Torino

Rumor went out early on slack that YHC was going to break a mileage record at an AO, a sentence few people would ever expect to see in writing.  Some showed up this morning to see if it was true, others showed up expecting it to be a record low mileage, but oh no- YHC meant serious business.  He was going to attack the 3.8 mile GT distance record.

0530 - one burpee OYO, circle up for count off (18) GM and IW - and then we were off.  A short jaunt up to the traffic light at Morrisville Parkway (a hair over 1/2 mile).  When you get to the light - 10 squat jumps, go back for 6, 10 more squat jumps, repeat until 6 arrives at the light.  Next, the group moseyed to Carpenter Elementary (Why are there two elementary schools 1/2 mile apart…. strange).  There is a nice track here - (very similar to the one at Green Hope Elementary) but that is irrelevant.  We did one lap - all out - and the first 6 people who finished did a 2nd lap while the other planked.  The first 6 became team captains and we drafted teams of 3 but did not need to stay as a team as we moseyed around the back of the school and out the other side.  We crossed over Louis Stephens and into the library parking lot.

We moseyed around the library with some backwards running and Karaoke and two laps around the mysteriously no purpose traffic circle.  At this point, quick pause to join up with our teams for the next phase.  Team catch me if you can - 5 MC and then catch other two.  We left the library, turned left and left again on Morrisville Parkway.  Teams continued catch me if you can (slowly to a lunge walk accross the bridge) and finally stopping at the corner of Preston Village Way.  From here, the teams continued in a fellowship pace, staying together and stopping at each corner (6 stops) for wide grip merkins - 1st stop, standard merkins - 2nd stop, diamond merkins - 3rd stop - repeat.

When all teams had arrived at the HUGE traffic circle, we still had time for 5s (instead of 7s) with Squats and star jumps across the middle of the soupy field.  Then team up and back to the flag - arriving promptly at 0615.  As one of the site Qs, Largemouth called the official mileage at 4.25 miles, a new Gran Torino site record, never to be broken.

COT - 18 (still) - TClaps to Disco Duck (only pax who managed to make all 3 of my Qs this week) - only 6 of whom had PBRs with PBR (Pete Biner Russell).

Announcements - Quadruple down, Christmas Party, Thanksgiving Convergence, Operation Sweet Tooth

Prayers/ Praises - Crimson (recovery), Banjo’s 2.1 (integrity), Sky Blue

Never would I have believed that I could lead a high tempo workout and challenge all.

Never would I have believe that i could run over 4 miles

Never would I have believed that I could drink a bottle of water, a cup of coffee and a PBR before 715 am.

Never would I believe i would have such a high quality group of HIM to hang out with.

Thanks F3 and to each of you.

See also