Breaking down the gates of Cary

Monday morning and Kryptonite is upon us. Eight A-Team defectors ponied up for a stroll around Regency to see the estate. Let’s see how the upper crust lives:

COP - SSH, GM, MC, and HB (you know the exercises)

Four man IR - Run up the Hill to Regency Woods. #kryptonitesignaturehill


Four man IR to Richelieu - Break your team into two teams for three laps up the hill to the crazy cul-de-sac (I love writing that word - makes me laugh).

Each time up the hill - Stop halfway - 10 starjumps. Top and bottom of the hill - 10 partner derkins

Finish - Run to the top and the bottom of the hill on your own without the exercises.

Back to the Four man IR (Franklin would have loved this work-out - Missed you and but mostly your hair this morning, Frankie) to Regency Woods

Five count hill work - LBCs at the top and Burpees at the bottom.

Four man IR back to the beginning.

Mary - 5 count flutter around the circle then 5 count merkins around the circle. Finish with boat/canoe.


Naked Moleskin:

-Nice little crew this morning! We covered over 3.5 miles and got in some exercises as well! T-claps. -Word on the street is the RipTide did some strange partner exercises at A-Team this morning. Come on over to Kryptonite, the water is warm. -Hermes is a big fan of Bartman’s calves…who isn’t? -LargeMouth held up the group the whole time. Please encourage him to try harder in the future. #turtle -Grease Monkey is in a 21 day F3 workout recovery program. He only goes every 21 days. YHC doesn’t recommend following him on this plan but everything else is fair game for following GM. -Flouride came about two minutes prior to the start and managed to keep all four tires on the parking lot. #babysteps #progress -YHC likes what Michelob was doing this morning. HotSpot, we’ll see you next week. #passthetorch -Poor Shut-In had to listen to YHC flap his gums all morning. You’re double blessed today, my friend. #partner #patience Announcements: Go to Khakis talk at Bond Brothers. It starts in a few minutes so I hope you’re reading this real time.

Prayers: Continue to pray for Flouride’s nephew and praise for all the M’s.

“When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life” - Rick Warren

Honor to work-out with everyone this morning. Until next time. Denali

See also