B.O. 8/24/17

So, I’m late.

If I were a woman, that’d be quite the statement.

Here’s what happened:


C’mon bro, this happened nearly three weeks ago. But if I’m going to guess, I’d say it was some assortment of SSH, GM, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Squats(?), Arm Circles(?)


Run over to the most glorious concrete structure in North Carolina. Seriously. This parking garage might be the most Cary thing in the Town of Cary. Hello Kitty asked a couple days for a quip or phrase that summed up the Carpex region. We should just draw a picture of this beauty and call it a day, word?

On the way up, we’re gunna do some work. First level - bear crawl half way, then sprint to the end. Next, Crab walk half way, the sprint to the end. Next, lunge walk halfway, then sprint. Repeat these three steps till we get to the top.

Once at the top, split up between sleeved and sleeveless PAX. Turned out to be a perfect split, 14 and 14.

Double 7’s. Half starts in one stairwell, other half runs to the other one. Each stairwell is one set of 7’s, but switch between each set. So, run to the bottom, 6 LBCs, run up to top and 1 Squat, then run to the other stair well and down to the ground floor for 6 CDDs, then back to the top for 1 WWII Sit up - that’s the first round. Keep going til I call it.

With 7 minutes left, I called it and we made the jog back to the Billy Run line. Sleeves run first (so slack). Sleeveless brings up the rear (hiyo).


Whaddup Dolly


Count-o-rama: 28 beasts

Name-o-rama: Still 28 (most are tagged - holler if you were there and aren’t tagged)

Announcements: There were some

Prayers: Also some


Sorry I’m late. This was supposed to be a little warm-up for the 9/11 stair climb, and it was pretty tough. I was proud of the way we all encouraged each other. That’s the beauty of doing circuit-type workouts. Lots of back and forth with high-fives and butt slaps between sets.

Ok, that’s enough.


See also