Bounty Hunter BLIMPS

It was a scorching 57 degrees this morning, perfectly timed for Tank Top Thursday.  YHC was the only participant, but appreciated Parker’s good intentions this morning, only to realize that he doesn’t own one.  I think he can fix that with some scissors by next week…

11 PAX ready to go, no FNGs, and we’re off.

Warm up jog around the track to the far parking lot, wave hello to FiA as we pass.

Warm up 20 Side shuttle hops 15 Imperial Walkers 5 Good mornings 20 standard merkins 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Burpees OYO

The Thang Hindenburg BLIMPS Circuit - Running the perimeter around 1/4 mile soccer field, exercises at each corner OYO - When finished each lap, your choice: plank it out, BTTW, or pick up the 6 - We started each lap together 1st lap - 5 burpees x 4 corners 2nd lap - 10 jumping lunges each leg  x 4 corners 3rd lap - 15 imperial walkers x 4 corners 4th lap - 20 merkins x 4 corners (some decent mumblechatter at this point, feel the burn) 5th lap - 25 plank jacks x 4 corners 6th lap - 30 sumo squats x 4 corners - hold on the third corner for all PAX, all you got for the last leg of the lap

*Smokey did a nice job of giving us an alternative choice for each letter of BLIMPS…can’t remember them all, but I recall Lattes, Stouts…help me out with the rest…

Bonus Partner up, size matters Partner carry back to the flag, switching as needed

Mosey to the skate park

Mary 15 box cutters 20 LBCs 15 American hammers 15 dying cockroaches (thanks Red Ryder)

Count-a-rama - 11

Announcements Official changing of the BH site Q guard from Water Wings and Open Out, to GTL and Parker - thanks gentlemen, we’ll try and make you proud…

Reminder about Shutty’s Hog and Hops fest 2/28 at 5 p.m., sign up is here

Prayers/Praises Freebirds 2.0 is having respiratory issues, prayers for wisdom in figuring out what is wrong and for him and his M as they deal with lack of sleep, etc…

Red Ryder’s friend he recently met through a financial seminar he was involved in at his church…his friend has come across hard times, so prayers for him and for the church body to come around him and support him

Prayers for all those affected by the school situation in Florida

It was an honor to lead this impressive group of HIMs!

See also