Bottom Feeding Frenzy


  • 7 Bottom Feeders for 1.31 miles of bear crawls, burpees, and crabwalks at the limited run, Claymore. All of Frisco’s four personalities were present.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run to the top of the short hill, turn back to the lot.
  • High knees across the lot.
  • Backwards run high knees across the lot.
  • Side shuffle left across the lot.
  • Side shuffle right across the lot.
  • Karaoke left across the lot.
  • Karaoke right across the lot.
  • Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, Calf Stretches, Merkins.
  • Run to the other side of the lot.

The First Thang

Bearmuda Triangle: 3 corners ~30yds apart in shape of a triangle. Pax performs one burpee at first corner and bear crawls to 2nd corner, 2 burpees and bear crawl to 3rd corner, 3 burpees and bear crawl back to 1st marker. Rinse and Repeat x 3.

The Second Thang

The Bay of Fundy: Circle up. Pax performs AMRAP burpees while, one at a time, each PAX enters the circle and performs 10 crab cakes (L/R is one).

The Third Thang

Bottom Feeders: 7’s sideways across the lot, Crabwalk forward up the incline, perform dying cockroaches, Crabwalk backwards down the incline perform curb dips.

The Last Thang

100 SSH


See also