BO's Young Guns Exploring the Fountain

An unlucky 13 of F3 Carpex’s (mostly) young bucks today in downtown Cary. A lot of young guys out at BO today. Millennials must be responding to Riptide’s Snapagrams or Instachats or whatever he’s doing to promote the AO. YHC had been eyeing the new Downtown Cary Park and fountain as a workout spot for a while and it didn’t disappoint.

First, ran to the library plaza for a standard F3 Carpex warmup. After count-a-rama, YHC’s plan for partner activities went out the window with an odd number. So, broke up into odds and evens.

Mosey to the park.

Started by running around the park and then went to the far end to greet the dawn with quick feet.

The Thang:

Odds started with the exercise while evens ran a lap around the park. Flapjack. X2

Australian” Derkins. The park has a nice feature that essentially allowed for a balls to the wall Derkin. Much mumblechatter here.

At the fountain:


Alternating L/R Step-ups

By the way, the fountain really drowns out mumble chatter (although by this point, the chatter was pretty minimal).

Mosey to the benches at the park entrance:

Tea Bags and Dips

Mosey to a very nice hill for some “Sabans” (or Sevens): Burpees at the top, Merkins at the bottom.

Mosey across the street to the Cary Arts Center

Bunny hop up stairs, lunge walk down ramp

Bunny hop up stairs, spider monkey down ramp

Bunny hop up stairs, lunge walk down ramp

Indian run back to Waldo St. for Billy run.

Finish with WWII situps and COT in the church courtyard (the original BO COT site)

Prayer concerns

Disco Duck’s friend Burt

Chinese Downhill’s Mom

Saban’s daughter and father in law

Cheese’s new business

Mississippi had praise for F3 in his life (lots of Ayes)

Coxswain and his son’s school issues

Was there another workout today? I didn’t notice.

See also