Boots ta Boot

What a day, what a day! YHC grabbed the Q spot at DP and longing awaited the chance to head west for all 3 F’s with the Apex pax. With YHC’s alarm set for 0430, here goes.

Arrive early for EC pull-ups with GTL, Theismann, Rooney and Frisco. Aeorsmith was there as well and Steve Tyler rocked us during our sets. Great work men.

The rest of the reg-U-lars arrived and I’m looking at 30 pax for this beat down (has to be the most in Carpex today, right?).

No FNGs, let’s roll.


  • Up and into the field
  • On the end line for: regular, high knees, butt kickers and karaoke
  • Circle up for good mornings
    • Next up, let’s see if the pax are mentally tough. 21’s (look it up in the Exicon) for SSH, Imperial Walkers (pause for 5 penalty burpees because Liverpool was doing Hill Billies), Sir Fazios and Seal claps
    • A 21 is the Q counts cadence on the first 10 and then pax silently in their heads count their own cadence up to 21 (a few penalty burpees were handed out for mis-counting – Duck, you would have loved this part)

The Thang:

  • Partner up for Dora 1-2-3, but her buddy Boots is here too so its: 50 Burpees, 100 Merkins, 200 Squats and 300 LBCs while your partner runs the length of the field
  • Beta test the Centipede. We learned that it’s better to do it in teams of 4 or 5. That’s all I can say about it…
  • Circle up for that Bull in a Burpee ring. Tclaps to Leprechaun for inventing some sort of flying fish technique. Solid, bro. Double Tclaps to Friso for feeling frisky and challenging Water Wings and Biner at the same time. EPIC EPICNESS.


  • Freddies, Bonnies, Planks, Hammers and Boat Canoes


  • 30 deep with a few announcements and lifting up prayers and praises. Imp took us out, like a boss.


  • 30>19>13 – DP for the win on this day. Thank you men, an honor to lead. Go out and attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man.

See also