BOMBS Over Waverly

As tax day began, we had a handful of ECers run the lake loop and we all met back at the flag for an ontime start. No FNGs, so we recited the pledge of allegiance and took off towards the Duke Health parking lot.

Warmups: Good mornings, calf stretches, standard merkins and plank jacks.

The Thang: B.O.M.B.S. were in order - we partnered up……Partner 1 started the exercises: B = 50 Burpees, O = 100 Overhead Claps, M = 150 Merkins, B = 200 Boxcutters, and S = 250 Squats. Partner 2 ran the medical building loop…keep switching off until the everyone completed the BOMBing. (Lesson learned for YHC - Wax is only a couple workouts into F3 and I was unclear that the count was to be shared between partners and he set out to do it all himself, I’ll do better next time).

We painted the lines in the parking lot and took off for the Waverly Place fountains where we did dips and derkins…then to the upper lot for quick feet and back to the flag.

Mary: American Hammers and Boat/Canoe

Announcements: Sasquatch CSAUP on Saturday July 18 (5:30 launch at TGM AO) - see Pierogi and Parker for details.

Former D1 basketball player in our midst with Mayflower - its time to hustle another F3 region for some pickup games.

BB Title cred to Repeato.

No Praises and Prayers spoken. YHC took us out. Thanks for following me around this morning men.

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