BOMBS Away at the Flying Circus

It’s Spring Break, so YHC decided to go a bit down range this week. I had never ventured out to the Carpex-Churham DMZ to visit Flying Circus, so I figured why not make my first post a Q (and there looked to be plenty of fun features to use at FC).

Eight PAX initially gathered in the parking lot, many questioning our life choices with temperatures dropping back in the 20s. Two more came in hot right at 5:44, so we set off with a total of (you guessed it) 10.

Warm up

Jog around the parking lot and circle up for SSHs, Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Ran down to the distinctive (for Carpex) athletics track for some BOMBS

Partner up. Partner 1 runs a full 1/4 mile lap around the track while Partner 2 does exercises for a combined total

B - Burpees (50)

O - Overhead Claps (100)

M - Merkins (150)

B - Big Boy Sit Ups (200)

S - Squats (250)

(Everyone ran at least 6 laps)

People’s Chair until the PAX finished, then 10 count down the line.

Mosey over to the front of the hill and the stairs/ramp down to the field. Partner wheelbarrow up the stairs/bear crawl down the ramp (Flapjack).

Run up to the basketball court for some rapid-fire Mary

Freddy Mercuries, LBCs, Dying Cockroaches, Hello Dolly, Have a Nice Day

Finished promptly at 6:29 (It’s a long way home)


Prayers for Disco’s M and Bogo’s mother-in-law

See also