BO Birthday Q - Downtown Tour

Warm up at the bank:

10 side straddle hops
10 daisy pickers
10 good mornings
6 merkins

10 count right/left Calf stretch
10 mountain climbers
6 merkins

Thang 1:

Mosey down Academy stopping at each intersection.
10 sumo squats
10 lung squats
10 jump squats
6 monkey humpers (towards the Maserati parked on the street)

10 wide arm merkins
10 derkins
10 irkins
6 diamond merkins

Thang 2:

Mosey to Garage
Partner 1, run up ramp
Partner 2, run up stairs and then Mary of choice
Switch ramp for stairs

Bear crawl stopping at each column for 6 merkins x 4
Lung walk to corner to do 6 merkins and lung walk back to stairs for final 6 merkins

Partner 2 run down ramp
Partner 1 down stairs and Mary of choice

Mosey towards church stopping at each intersection for
10 burpees
10 burpees
10 burpees
6 burpees


10 LBC
10 Freddy Mercury
10 heels to heaven
6 Homer to Marge

Prayer Requests:

Chipper - Sherry’s husband killed on motorcycle, daughter in critical condition
Quickstop - son’s new eye medicine to avoid surgery
Callahan - new podcast for praises and prayer requests

See also