BO BB 3/7/19: Vanilla Just Tastes Better

15 PAX entered the gloom on a 40-something degree morning in downtown Cary. A couple guys did EC - you know who you are. By the grace of the SkyQ, one of the BO twitterkeepers tweeted out that YHC was the Q for the week. YHC may or may not have remembered that.

(I didn’t)

In light of that, I jokingly asked @shutincarpex what he was planning to do for his Q down the road, and like a good PAX, he DM’d me his pre-blast. What a goof.

He had something in there called Burpee Hill Races, which you can read more about here. (This link doesn’t works because Shutty hasn’t wrote his backblast yet…) Anyway, it sounded interesting, so I thought I’d give it a try. Here’s how it went:


Brisk jog over to the bank and circle up for:

  • SSH
  • Good mornings
  • Windmills
  • Arm Circles
  • One other thing I can’t remember


Another brisk jog to the trusty ol’ parking deck, making our way to the last ramp at the top of the deck. Then YHC explained the Burpee Hill Races.

The description left the PAX snickering and rolling their eyes. Well, YHC would go first. Everyone did 3 Burpees, then chased YHC to the top of the ramp. No one caught YHC.

I called on another PAX to go. Everyone did merkins. Then we chased him to the top of the ramp. No one caught him…

Alright, I thought. This doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe I’m not doing this they way it’s supposed to be done. Well, let’s try it one more time. Maybe something different will happen.

Nothing different happened. It was a disaster. At this point, the PAX were growing increasingly restless and YHC has seen this FAR TOO OFTEN to let it get any more out of hand. Like a pro (and like someone who’s been scared by an angry crowd of PAX at a Christmas Party…) YHC pulled a Peyton Manning. It’s the fastest audible I’ve ever had to call. You did this, Shutty. This is your fault!!

We moseyed down to the pain sticks - a coupon you can ALWAYS count on. Well, you know, unless you leave them in the woods somewhere and the Town of Cary tosses them in the dumpster…

Partner up - partner with pain stick hits the stairwell for a 3-story climb and back down whilst the other partner does LBCs. Next round, partners at the bottom do American Hammers. Last round, partners Plank Hold. @brianjodice said it best about the pain stick stairwells - “This is about as close as I ever get to spilling merlot.” Kitty is wise.

Time is getting crunched, so we return the pain sticks to their hiding spot and head to the pocket park on the other side of the police station. We hit the short wall for a cycle of Derkins, Irkens, and Dips. Couple rounds of that and the shoulders started singing. Time to move out.

We headed back to the flag and circled up for a little bit of:


Ab-o-rama: PAX called Dying Cockroach, Flutter Kicks, and Homer to Marge. YHC closed out the morning with a Have a Nice Day to allow the PAX to check out the show the SkyQ was putting on in the heavens to the East. Masterpiece.


Count-o-rama: 15 PAX Name-o-rama: Still 15. 2 RESPECTs, 13 Meh. Big shout to Stump Jumper from Davidson making it a great day whilst in Carpex. Thanks for choosing BO. You’re a smart, smart man. Announcements: Hit up the COT channel on slack. Prayer Requests/Praises: Too numerous to remember all of them, but YHC thanked the SkyQ for knowing and caring about each and every one.


  • Shut In is a good guy. He just sucks at coming up with new workout routines.
  • I was able to get confirmation from a PAX during Phoenix on Saturday that I indeed explained and executed the Burpee Hill Races as they were intended - this PAX attended Shutty’s Q and revealed it was also a disaster there.
  • Back at BO, YHC took a little bit of crap for having to audible so quickly, but like any good friend, I blamed it on Shutty and then remarked that if he was indeed going to try this routine out, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’d keep it going 3 to 4 rounds too long and would completely lose control.
  • I also received confirmation that this happened lol
  • Shutty - love you, boo
  • It’s been a hot minute since I’ve Q’d, so it was good to hold the reins again. It felt good. Real good. There’s nothing quite like directing a group of high-functioning man-machines, pushing them to their limits and reveling in their groans for mercy.
  • ^ That didn’t happen :(
  • Super thankful for this group of men, friends, frenemies, and outright foes. Y’all make me better and I’m ever thankful.
  • Last thing…Always. Read. TheMuggo.


SkyQ ouchea doing His thang:

See also