Blottin' the Sasquatch

17 PAX came out for the shadiest CSAUP route this side of New Hampshire. Of the ~12 miles covered, I think maybe a mile was full sun. You have got to love the greenways out here!

A few weeks back, YHC saw @F3ENC post on twitter ‘bout their annual Sasquatch CSAUP going virtual. This is an event I know Yogi and Freebird have hit up in the past and raved about. Checking in with HK to make sure he wasn’t aware of anyone else trying to organize something locally, I decided to give hosting a version in CARPEx. The called-for layour (10 miles total starting with 3.5 mile runs and some AOs in between) immediately brought TGM to mind. So many many dozens of minutes (OK, several hours) and lots of half-listened-to conference calls later, YHC had what turned out to be a terrible idea:
- a one-way, shuttle-car-required tour de Cary from Green Mile through Bond and over to Godbold.

Luckily Parker talked me out of that stupid idea and a less adventurous but definitely more easily executable route was born. And speaking of Parker, many many kudos for the help in making sure we had plenty of water, a solid SAG crew and an all-round safe and fun time out.

SAG crew of WWW, Blowout, Flenderson and FNG Tyler Durbin were fantastic as well. Great company and help with motivation, hydration and directions. Ya’ll make things much more enjoyable. Gracias!

Thang - short version:

Workout-Run-Workout-Run-Workout-Run-Workout-Run-Workout-Run-Walk-Run-Walk-Run-Fuck it-Walk

Nantan Emeritus Ma Bell

Thang - long version:

Disclaimer said, including reminder re: hydration, stay together, keep a distance.


Workout 1 & 3.5 miles
Workout 2 & 1.5 miles
Workout 3 & 0.5 mile
Workout 4 & 1 mile
Workout 5 & 3.5 miles to finish
5 workouts (around 50 minutes), 10+ miles

Workout 1:

Some warmup.

100 yards followed by 10 of merkins / LBCs / squats / burpees in a rotating sequence. Did 13 rounds. Thanks HK.

Workout 2:

Burpees in a 10x10 yd box. Start with 10… 9… etc. crawling to the next corner each time.
Note: For bear crawls, face the same way the whole time so you get to work the left and right side crawls. 

Workout 3:

Red Barchetta: (all in single count)
Run 100 yards, 100 side straddle hops, run back, 100 side straddle hops
Run 75 yards, 75 mountain climbers, run back, 75 mountain climbers 
Run 50 yards, 50 LBCs, run back, 50 LBCs
Run 25 yards, 25 merkins, run back, 25 merkins
Run 10 yards, 10 burpees, run back, 10 burpees

Captain America:

1:4 ratio – burpees : lateral bunny hops starting at 1:4 through 10:40.

Modified to merkins halfway through.

Workout 4:

Complete the following exercises flip flopping with partner.

  • Jump Squats 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Merkins 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

Partner 1: 10 jump squats
Partner 2: 20 merkins}

Except we did the reverse. Ah well.

Workout 5:

Complete 4 Rounds of the following exercises:

  • Side Straddle Hops (single count)
  • 8 Count Body Builders (Burpee with plank jack)
  • Big Boy Sit Ups (stand up sit ups)
  • American Hammers (single count)
  • Flutter kicks (single count)
  • Bear Crawl / crawl bear across basketball court

Repeato with 5-10-15-20 reps of each.

Modified the Body builders to deconstructed burpees halfway through.

COT back at the flag

YHC shared a bit of background on the Sasquatch. Have a chat with Saban if you want to learn more about Papa Smurf or post with the brothers in F3ENC as the man seems to have touched everyone out there.

Prayers for wisdom and patience re: school. And for the administrators and teachers who are also being yo-yo’ed around as much as the parents.

Prayers for Bonnie. Prayers for Slappy. Prayers for Banjo’s 2.0.

We named FNG Durden after Tyler Durden. FNG Spurs was named after his favorite EPL club.


Great to be out here with PAX from all over the region. First CSAUP for many. For the rest… we were left wondering why.

Said it before and will say it again: many thanks to the HIMs who helped pull this together.

For those moved to donate to a good cause, throw $10 into the pot for and signup your name here: Sasquatch 2020

If you want some swag, Mudgear shirts here: Closing fast!

See also