Bloody knee and no cape

And so it begins…Kryptonite is in the books and off and running (or racing).

Pet Sounds and YHC scouted the site out last Monday while Flouride was running surveillance in Israel (that sounds cooler than KoKa Booth but who asked). We went around the lake and in and out of building parking lots. Kryptonite has many options for the PAX to enjoy. Let’s see what happened today:

YHC arrives six or seven minutes prior to the launch. Parking lot had two flags flying and six PAX members ready to roll. That’s the great thing about F3, dude’s show up (Ma Bell was wearing a pink doo rag so he was more of a sissy dude today but his bada$$ beard leveled him out).

No waiver was given (oops for the the attorney’s in the bunch - McCants) but running began. Ran about a quarter of a mile then into COP.

*SSH, Mountain Climbers, Merkins and GM

*Three man weave around Symphony Lake. This started the tone as the first three groups clocked in at 6:40/mi pace for 1.3 miles. Good stuff. Lungs were full.

*Head into the amphitheatre for a set of five. Run up the amphitheatre to the sound pole and do five SSH. Run from there up to the sidewalk and do five merkins. Turn around to the soundpole (five merkins) and finish where you started. Do it five times in a row. Next, do the same five set but with burpees and LBCs. #mommy

*Head up to the first shelter. Alt-Left-Right step up, Irkins, Dips, ALRSU, Derkins, Dips.

*Head to the ticket area. Partner up. One partner runs down the plastic path and the other runs along the top of the amphithreatre. Upon returning to the starting spot, each partner does 10 derkins/10LBCs off your partners back. One trip for each man.

*Head over to the wall. Wall sit and BTHW. #onetoomany10count

*Mosey back to the beginning for Mary. LBC and 10 count flutter kick around the circle.


NMS -Koka Booth is going to be a great site. YHC is excited to see how we use it. -Hermes needs to buy gloves to keep in his truck for future PAX members. I bet he buys nine pairs. Ha, see what I did there. -Chanticleer looked a bit sleepy this AM as he had to alter his schedule to drive to Kryptonite. Appreciate the effort speedy! -Did YHC mention that Ma Bell wore a pink doo rag but no shoe headlights? #upsidedownworld -Fluoride came late. In other news, water is wet. #ha -Waterwings didn’t go all golden retriever on us and jump into the lake but you heard it here first if he gets everyone in the water this summer. #f3aquatots

Announcements Semi-Annual (which apparently happens twice a year) convergence with Churham is coming up. YHC can’t remember all the details so ask if you want to join. Saturday. Go to every Phoenix and you’ll eventually get the right weekend. #plan

Pray *Sputnik’s M and Shut In’s dad.

Really appreciate the opportunity to lead and seeing everyone this morning! Can’t wait until we do it again! Denali

See also