Blockade Runner

YHC doesn’t Q that often, so when I saw an opening at Point Break, I jumped on it! Pickles was supposed to have his b-day Q, but things happen, so YHC signed up and dreamed up a new exercise to experiment with on the PAX. The morning started with YHC dropping off a couple of cinder blocks at a large parking lot behind the New Waverly Place office building. Same building where my dentist’s office is located so you know I had pain on my mind already. I also almost ran over Smokey doing a little EC run back there (sorry, Smokey!). Pulled into the AO parking lot and PAX were assembling. Two FNGs were there, so I started off with the mission of F3 and the disclaimer. Then, we did the pledge, and were off with a mosey. PAX paired up on the mosey and talked about how they each got their name. The mosey took us to a large a large parking lot behind New Waverly Place building where we warmed up with 50 SSH IC, Good Mornings, Hill Billies, Plank Jacks, Merkins, Mountain Climbers.

Thang 1: THE BLOCKADE RUNNER - this is a new exercise that might catch on. PAX lined up in two equal rows. Each row had a cinder block with the first man. The cinder block was passed to the second man and the first ran to one end of the parking lot and then turned around and ran back to the end of the line. The 2nd man did the same and by this method the entire line moved from one end of the parking lot to the other, a long way away. Thang 2: After 2 rounds of Blockade Runner and some Mary in-between, we moseyed over to the fountain area for several rounds of dips, erkins, and derkins. Then it was time to mosey back to the flag.

COT: 17 PAX altogether including 2 FNGs, welcome Appletini and Intervention. Prayers for service men & women and for God to empower us to live for His glory. It was an honor to Q and a great morning!

See also