BLIMPS and stairs

Zeppelins stopped flying after the Hindenburg disaster. Now …

Back at the beginning of the year, YHC went through and signed up to Q roughly every 3 weeks or so just to make sure he was practicing his leadership skills on the Pax of Carpex. He had totally forgot about today’s Q (until he went to add a Q on Friday to his calendar) but with the re-opening of Carpex this week, there’s no better time to Q anyway! Admittedly, YHC had only been to this AO twice previously and both times we went off campus, so what to do was kind of up in the air. So naturally, a trip was made to the AO around 2000 the night before to do some recon. With recon complete, there was now a plan. Here’s what it was.

Warmup: Confer with site Q Lookout for a plan if numbers get illegal, but 10 pax present at 0530 so we’re good to go. No FNGs, disclaimer disclaimed, mission statement stated, and pledge of allegiance pledged so we’re off. Take a mosey around the parking lot where the (pitchfork) flag is planted and circle up for some warmup.
SSH x 15 IC
GM x 5 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles Fwd/Rev x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 silent count

Thang 1: Head to the corner of the lot near the flag for some BLIMPS, gasser style. Start with 5 burpees, then head to the next mulch island for 10 lunges and then back to the start to start over. Continue to each mulch island adding 5 reps per exercise, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks and finally Squats at the movie theatre. Once the BLIMP was inflated, naturally it needed to be deflated so we worked backwards to finish where we started with 5 burpees.

Thang 2: Mosey through the parking lot to the courtyard and to the stairwell on the far side. Start with 5 WWIIs then up the stairs, across the concourse to the top of the handicap ramp for 5 LBCs then down the ramp and back to the start. Repeat increasing the exercises by 5 each time. We made it to 25 before scooping the 6 for the mosey back to the flag.

Mary: Runner’s Stretch L/R x 10 silent count and Pigeon Stretch L/R x 10 silent count. Have a Nice Day!

Announcements: TCP Sawgrass this Sunday at 2:00. See slack for details, to HC and assignments.
F3 Raleigh VOYO 10K launching near Green Mile Saturday on White Oak Creek Greenway. Times to be determined on slack this week. All are welcome to join!
YHC signed up on Facebook to run 100 miles in the month of May and raise money to prevent soldier suicide. Please share the fundraiser (and donate if you feel so moved to do so.) Hospital name is Ryan Trask.

Prayers/Praises: Term Paper, Repeato’s mother

YHC took us out. MIAGD!

See also