Blackjack 21 – Split Hand

Claymore BB Date: 9/24/19 QIC: WWW

PAX:  Blowout, Calvin, EarharT, Frisco, Half Back, Kwik Stop, Ninjago, Pickles, Pivot, Press On, Skipper, Sosa, WWW

There were some EC’ing to run and ruck. Hats off to those that participated. I was not one of them. Frisco Q shopped and chose my Q because Claymore and WWW is limited to no running. I was not expecting to hit the miles that we did but you will need to read on to know what we clocked.

NO FNGs. F3 administravia stuff done and off we go to the tennis courts to warm-up.

Warm-up: GM (3 down, 3 up for 5). Sir Fazio forward x 10 (IC). 5 burpees. Sir Fazio to the rear x 10 (IC). 5 burpees. Now the thang.

Thang 1: Blackjack 21 - Split hand.

As I explained on what to do, I jacked it all up and I even confused myself. We just went on and started.

1 burpee run across tennis court the long way and do 20 Sumo squats at the other end, returning to start and do 2, etc. The count was supposed to be 21. What I called was double 11s (WRONG!!!). After 3 rounds I sensed it was all screwed up. I stopped everyone when they got back to the starting point to get us all back on track.

This is what really was supposed to happen.

Run/mosey/walk to other end of tennis court (the long way) and do 1 burpee. Run/mosey/walk back to the start and do 20 Sumo Squats … 21. Rinse and repeat until you hit 10 burpees and 11 Sumo Squats.

For the remainder of the routine, instead of burpees and Sumo Squats, the PAX does merkins (11 – 21) and Cox Butter (10 – 1).

The only one who got close to completing the whole thing was Kwik Stop. He was hustling. Burpees took up most of the time so most of us could only complete 15 -20. QIC had to call it at 4 mins till COT so we are not late ending the session.

Back at the flag, QIC call the PAX to circle up. Next exercise is merkins on Q’s down. 25 merkins completed.

Count-a-rama: 13

Name-a-rama: Respects x3, mehs x9, double hate x1

Announcements:  The Odyssey on 10/5 (0600 start), Family picnic 10/5 (1530 start). Carpex Golf Tournament 10/7. Haven House fundraiser at Jordan Lake Brewing for Trivia Night 9/25. Another HH Boxing fundraiser on 10/3 … if your interested in boxing, DM Burt.


Prayers for all those who are about to do surgery and those who have made it through surgery. Prayers for healing.

Praises for Skipper in landing his new job.

BOM:  Skipper felt compelled to lead us out; thanks Skipper!


My bad today because I forgot to continue my tradition of reintroducing my 6th Man. I will not forget next week at Tortoises.

If you plan to do Blackjack 21 – Split Hand, the easiest way (as Pivot so kindly coached me), do the first two exercises to the half-way point (10 & 11), switch to the next two exercises and continue. I will definitely do that (LOL).

The goal for next time is to complete the full Black Jack 21 – Split Hand.

Total miles reached 2+ miles.

Mad props to Kwik Stop for crushing it this morning. He was flying through the workout.

I know what music EarharT does not listen to because he kept the mumblechatter high during the workout. I’ll let him tell you.

Always a blessing to lead true HIMs.  It’s a blessing to wake up every morning to work on the temple.

See also