Birthday Q focused on 8-Block Vision Board for 2022 Creation and Beatdown!!!

Originally created by F3 CSPAN and adopted to fit workout.

The idea with the 8 Block is to IDENTIFY THE AREAS WHERE YOU NEED TO WORK ON AND WRITE THEM DOWN. This way you can refer back to it.

While you are working out, pick a word for the year. This will help you focus and refer to your 8-Block periodically.

Front-side: Start in the top left block: focus on you Concentrica; partner up

Exercise: catch me if you can.

Walkers: P1 walk the small pickle while P2 lungewalk the same route. When P1 caught up to P2 they swapped duties and this continued until we all did 2big circle.

Runners: P1 walk the small pickle while P2 lunge walk the same route. When P1 caught up to P2 they swapped duties and this continued until everyone completes one time around.

Once all arrived back at the start we got into plank and discussed what Concentrica is – If you don’t know what Concentrica is then 2 things: 1) your brand new to F3, or 2) you have not been to Q source/read Freed to Lead. You can look this up and read it– it is time well spent so plan on reading it a few times then discuss with some of your F3 brothers sometime.

Concentrica: Think of a 4 ring target. Inner ring is your M (Most Important); next ring is your 2.0 (shorties); 3rd ring is your Shield Lock; 4th ring is your Stone

Next is the bottom left quadrant which is 2nd F: the idea with this quadrant is you should identify and LIST 3 guys that you need to spend extra time with. Remember the 3 guys you list don’t necessarily need to be F3 people – they are probably unique to you, but are people that maybe you have some work to do to be that friend that they need. LIST THEM BY NAME IN THIS SECTION.

Exercise: Partner wheel barrel to the first island. Flap jack and wheel barrel back to start.

Next section is top right-3rd F. This one is easy to plan but toughest to follow thru.

In this section you need to list what you are planning to do SPECIFICALLY for your 3rd F this year. Set some goals. Write them down and share them with your partner so they can hold you accountable. 

Examples:1) What are you studying-again, be specific-“I’m going to read the Bible more” does not count – what part(s) of the Bible are you going to focus on?2) Volunteer at church.3) Read Q Source.

NOTE: Whatever-it’s not so important what you plan to do, but MAKE A PLAN, WRITE IT OUT, THEN DO IT.

Exercise: Partner Heels to Heaven. P1 Heels to Heaven (30 reps) while P2 is pushing your feet back to the ground.

Modification: P1 Low Slow Flutters (25 IC – 4 count). P2 does Box cutters (25 IC – 4 count). Switch. We each did 2 sets.

The final section on the front is the bottom right: 1st F. To me this is the easiest to fill out and relatively tough to follow thru. List your 1st F Goals – CSAUPs you plan to do (Mortimer, GrowRuck, BRR, run a 5K and work to a Marathon, Iron Man,Spartan Race,…), Goals for the year (Example: 1000 miles for the year, Q on average once a week for the year, set a goal for # of workouts to attend for the year). It seems best to me to take this in blocks within the year like maybe quarterly or even monthly.

MUST DO: The idea is to think about what you can do, set a goal, write it down, then keep track of it. If it is worth doing, it is worth tracking and by tracking you will almost certainly get better. Some guys event pull their family or Shieldlock into these goals. Also, set a goal for how you will help EH guys or bring back a Kotter – how many can you get in the year? Maybe shoot for 1 per quarter or 1 per month if you are really up to it?

Remember that word for the year, write that word in the middle of the page to help you remember it.

Note: You may start with a word of the year but feel as the year goes on, you may want to change it. This document is a living document, change as you see fit.

Flip the page over and again, divide into 4 quadrants.

Top Left back quadrant is the Jester – what is holding you back from being the best you can be. THIS IS TOUGHER THAN YOU THINK IF YOU HAVE NEVER CONSIDERED THIS. Read about this in Q Source and Freed to Lead then discuss the general topic one morning in the gloom with a Brother your close with, or if you are in a Shield Lock or in a Whetstone program, discuss it with your Shield Lock/Whetstone Brother. This will require a lot of thought up front and thick skin if you want to do it right. Keep in mind you may have more that 1 Jester.

Exercise: 10 Anvils and 10 Sumo Squats (2 sets).

Bottom left quadrant on the back is DATE NIGHT: This applies to your M and your 2.0. The theme of this quadrant is that YOU SHOULD NEVER STOP DATING YOUR M AND YOU SHOULD DEMONSTRATE HOW YOUR 2.0 SHOULD TREAT OR BE TREATED BY ANY POTENTIAL FUTURE MATES. Date your M and date your 2.0, keeping in mind where each lives within the Concentrica.

Exercise: Partner Big Boy Sit-ups (25 reps)

The top right quadrant on the back is listed at Podcast / Knowledge Building – what are you doing to make yourself better? What are you listening to and what are you reading to make yourself better? Think about this and write it down. What are you doing to mentally accelerate? Do you get home from work and sit in front of the TV and veg out until your M drags you to bed? Have a little purpose and plan that keeps you mentally in the game.

Exercise: 100 air presses

The final quadrant is the lower right section and this area is labeled ALR (ask, listen, remember). This is the ADVICE area. Basically in this area, you should find someone to learn from. Find someone you feel knows more about something than you do and learn from them. In other words, find a mentor. This is a great Whetstone opportunity.

Exercise: Circle of Pain (Squat hold starting on my left, do 5 burpees an we go around the circle)

Have a nice day!!!

COR & NOR: 15 HIMs

Announcements were done.

Prayers and Praises were done.

Thank you to the HIMs who came out to help me celebrate 53 years around the Sun and Moon. Love you Men!!! I’m truly blessed and extremely grateful for you all!

Attached is a document (short version) to create your 8-Block Vision Board.

I would be honored if you’d share it with me. This way I can keep you accountable.

God bless you my Brothers!!!

See also