Birthday Bells

Disturbing the Peace 3/9/2021

QIC: Flenderson

PAX: Henny Penny, 16 Steves, Open Concept, Parker, Swipe right, Ramsey, Triple Lindy, Imp, Puddles, Rock Lobster, Egon, Trickle, Chicken Little, All Ours, Honey Comb, Short Circuit, Slim Shady, Sabre, Joe Smith, Decal, Yahoo, Lucky Charms, Clock Work, Silver Fox, KungFu Panda, Wahoo, Smee(FNG) and Flenderson

I have never been a big birthday person, they do not really excite me and I never expect much on them. That said I have completely embraced the F3 trend of Qing each year. There is no better wat to start a birthday than in the gloom with my brothers. I always use this Q to indulge myself in something I want to do but don’t for some reason. I have wanted to lead the DTP PAX to Hells Bells for some time but seem to always plan something more standard there. Not Today boys!


Warm up:


Arm circles 

Good mornings 


Mosey to bottom of grave yard hill

Hill sprint to 10 Merkins 

Mosey to Hells Bells

Due to the over whelming number of PAX YHC was forced to adapt. PAX counted off by 2s. 1 got out Bells 2 did a lap with some pull-ups.

First Cycle Colt 45

Second Cycle Bolt 45

During this exercise HIM Triple Lindy suggested we do a Ricky Bobby Tire Flip. YHC found this too good to pass up.

Each team choose a tire and started flipping after a few cycles PAX added a bear crawl or lung

Mosey back

Stop at church for Mary