Birthday Beatdown!

Good morning Pax and welcome to my birthday Q! I was too excited to sleep last night and woke up a good 1.5 hours early for the start of Phoenix.

No FNG’s today so quickly through the disclaimer and pledge. Mosey around parking lot and circled up for warmup. SSH, a very slow good mornings, seal claps, and calf stretches. That’s enough of that as I needed all the time I can get for the beatdown.

The Thang- as promised I scoured The Exicon to find an exercise for each letter of my name. Here we go.

T- tire flips. Formed 2 lines and Indian run plank hold bear crawl to front of line to perform a tire flip.

R- rapid fire rock set. Mosey to other parking lot and found a rock. Performed 2 sets of 20 reps each of curls, tri extensions, and overhead presses.

I- iron hulk. Essentially jack Webb’s. Performed 1 merkin followed by 4 air presses. Continued count up to 5 merkins and 20 presses.

P- partner carry. Found our way over to the hill and partnered up. Of course we then partnered carry up the hill followed by 10 LBC’s. Switcheroo.

L- London bridge. Found our way to picnic tables for plank holds.

E- Everest. Mosey back to hill. Lunge up 1 step; perform 1 squat, lunge with other leg. Repeato to top of hill.

L- Lt. Dan. Now perform 1 lunge, perform 1 squat, lunge with other leg until reached the little hill in the field.

I- Indian bear crawl. These were so much fun we did them again.

N- No surrender. 15 reps of hands behind head, drop down onto one knee, drop the other knee, then stand back up.

D- Dubya. 5 sets of 3 pull-ups on monkey bars in a W shape.

Y- Yul Brynner. Mosey back to flag for 7 sets of 7 different merkins; Carolina dry docks, wide, merkin, ranger, diamond, crucible, and knerkin.

Mary- Earhart led Pax through American hammers and dying cockroaches. Disco Duck couldn’t make it a full hour without burpees, so 5 burpees to take us to Have a Nice Day.

Announcements- 9/11 stair climb, the odyssey.

Prayers/Praises- Captain Kirk, safe travels for BRR teams home.

Thank you Grinch for taking us out in prayer.

See also