Biner Says Wooooo!

Always good to be at Flying Circus. West Cary’s Finest Thursday Morning AO Near Two Schools and a Fire Station (or something like that.)

All the regulars were there, I guess. I don’t really know. I’ve only been here like 4 times. We greeted Globe Trotter visiting from Austin, made fun of Nature Boy’s Hi-Liter-inspired ear muffs, a version of the disclaimer was given and we circled up.

**Warm Up
**Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Steve Earle

Mosey to road leading into Middle School

**Thang One
**In perusing (that means read thoroughly) the Exicon I noticed that some people (not naming names) may be calling the wrong exercise for what they think they’re calling. So I will leave this here for you.

Jack Webbs - A merkin then air press combination initiated on the Q’s command, with an ascending rep count.

Jack Jack Webbs - A Jack Webb with a Plank Jack following the Merkin. Example of a 2 count would be DOWN (Merkin), JACK (Plank Jack), “ONE” DOWN (Merkin), JACK (Plank Jack), “TWO”, then onto your knees for the count of shoulder presses or over the head claps (2 COUNT).

Iron Hulk - Big brother of Jack Webbs and Jack Jack Webbs. Essentially performing Jack Webbs with a 1:4 ratio of merkin to air press.

Today we did Jack Jack Webbs stopping at each of 9 light poles.

Broke into 3 groups for an Indian Run to the Elementary School.

**Thang Two
**Partner Up. P1 - BTTW, P2 - Run the pickle. Flap Jack, then Repeato switching to Aussi Mnt. Climbers, then Melbourne Plank Jacks.

It was during this activity that I found myself running next to Biner and as Nature Boy yelled some encouraging words to him, he responded with a somewhat enthusiastic, and dare I say giddy, “Wooooo!” Believing I may not have actually heard what I thought I heard, I asked him if he did in fact just “Wooooo.” I’m pretty sure he mumbled yes. True Story.

Mosey to parking lot

Modified Doracide - 100 Lunges; 150 CDD; 200 SSH; 250 LBC

Indian Run back to the flag.

**Boat Canoe, 100s

**TPC this Sunday
Prayers for Bogo’s Aunt and family in the loss of his Uncle.

YHC took us out with a quote from Lao Tzu

“The noble man does not hoard. The more he helps others, the more he benefits himself, The more he gives to others, the more he gets himself. The Way of Heaven does one good…never harm. The Way of the noble man is to act but not to compete.”


See also