Bigger than I expected ...

TWSS. A sizeable group of Carpex’s finest showed up and parked along Laura Duncan. Crap. There goes the planned workout. Not a problem, you can conjure up just about anything on a steady mosey. After 34 welcome fist bumps, a thorough disclaimer, an intro to FNG Paul and we were off. After a stellar weekend at F3 Dad’s Camp that included quite the libation session around a fire and more carbs and saltpeter (KNO₃) that’s remotely advised for anyone, I was ready to get after it. So were the pax, they just didn’t know it yet.

Warm Up
Mosey from the start to the basketball courts. Pax were advised to push themselves if they could, but we would not leave the courts without the six and we’d be doing warmups. Arrived .35 miles later. Fantastic pace and all the six was is in great time.
- Control Freak Good Mornings x10
- SSH x20
- Perfect Form Merkin x10
- Wide Stance Merkin x7
- Perfect Diamond Merkin x5
- Hill Billy x10
So many pax required a count-o-rama. 34 even, beautiful. Partner up and walk over to parking lot.

Thang 1 - 7s on a Pickle

Partner 1 stays and does six perfect form Merkins. Partner two heads for the pickle and stops at the bottom for one Turkish Getup. YHC had this vision of partners meeting halfway through each run, but alas, it was over engineered and the explanation was less than accurate. Oh well, everyone just do the 7s. Recover in the parking lot where we started for some squat holds, plank holds, pick up the six, and ten counts.

Thang 2 – A Pickle and a Suicide …. Or two

Partner 1 head back to the basketball court for suicides. End line to foul line, half, foul line, full court. Partner two, run the pickle twice and 10 LBCs at the bottom each time. Flip flop and the huddle up for another round of plank holds and ten counts.

Thang 3 – Intervals

Pax were instructed to mosey/run from parking lot back up the hill to crosswalk with green way pushing an uncomfortable pace. YHC was out in front with Hamm (two Ms) and a few others when Biner sided right up to me seemingly not even breathing hard and possibly reading a book and mumbles, “go faster”. YHC obliged and got right on up that hill. When six is in, pax were instructed to sprint to the Mary lot, then mosey down the pickle, sprint the next straightaway, mosey the curve and next straightaway, then sprint to Mary.

- Freddy Mercurys x20
- Dying Cockroaches x15
- Control Freak Boat Canoes x5
- Have a Nice Day

Some time back, YHC was hoodwinked, snookered, hosed, even hornswoggled some might say into agreeing to run the BRR. Many ECs, Maynards, an inflamed pubalgia, new kicks, a lighted vest that would make Urkel giggle, and body glide later, oh glorious body glide, I find myself in the homestretch of training, prep, true excitement and anticipation in running this thing with an outstanding group of HIMs. What I’ve gained in training for the BRR is more than I could’ve ever bargained for, aside from this mustache. Dropping weight, dropping times, running miles on miles on miles is great and all, but the boost in energy, boost in confidence, and getting to know pax on another level while you slog all these extra miles has made this one of my better decisions of recent memory. Much obliged to the BRR veterans and running regulars for the warm welcome and encouragement.

And many thanks to the pax this morning at A-Team for allowing me to lead. Welcome Buenos Dias! Paul teaches Spanish at Wake Tech and after some solid mumble on the control freak good mornings, it was a natural fit. And if you are the ONE pax I’m missing who needs to be tagged, LMK and I’ll update this BB.

Cheers, Men!

See also