Big Numbers of Little Pax - F3 Dads

60 Dads And 2.0s Posted for the First 2017 F3 Dads


YHC didn’t know what to expect when it was preblasted out to have an F3 Dads event in Carpex.  Even leading up to final prep last night after the wicked thunderstorm (making a few audibles) I had ballparked it at about 24-30 total… Shows how much I know!

It was AWE - SOME!  I’m so proud to be a part of this group of F3 PAX.  Those who posted and those who didn’t, I’m humbled and blessed to share life with you.  Thank you all!


We crammed in to the corner of the parking lot and as YHC looked out upon the pax the first thing I did was audible.  TOO MANY OF US!!

Warm Up

Run to the back side lot of the community center and hopefully we can form a bit of a circle/oval.  Pax of all ages were ready for the ver2.0 beatdown YHC was about to deliver.

  • SSH IC x 15
  • IW IC x 14 (oops, a few Qnerves I guess…)
  • Sumo Squats
  • Plank hold while EVERY pax shouts out their favorite food one at a time (see, planned on 24-30pax, not double that, oh well)
    • YHCs favorite heard was:  chicken thighs (Bocephus 2.0 I believe)

The Thang

Mosey to the community center sidewalk and Dads count off 1s and 2s (bc of numbers).

Circle Set 1s - Call out Mary while… 2s - Run the roundabout with 2.0 going opposite direction, meet in the middle for 1 Bropee, turn back run other way to meet again for another bropee.  Repeato x10 total. Flapjack

Next, head to kiosk performing partner carry as far as you can/want.

Catch Me If You Can Dads partner up Family 1 - Bunny Hop around the coned off field Family 2 - 5 merkins then tag Family 1 Repeato until circling the field one time

Tag Me If You Can Little game of tag with dads vs kids Game 1 - Dads are it.  Tag a kid and they do 1 merkin per year old, dad for tagging a kid does 1 burpee (5ish mins) Game 2 - Kids are it.  Tag a dad and they do 20 merkins (too many old dads), kid does a burpee (5ish mins)

Animal Stampede YHC had a whole list of animals to go through but that tag game was tough!  Also lots of water breaks (…for the kids of course).  So a little improvision and we did just two animals. Bear Crawl - bear crawl across the field, 5 squats, run back. Tortoise - Dad crawl with 2.0 as your “shell”.  (Bring that to the gloom?  probably not…)

Water Balloon Toss!! Toss water balloon back and forth taking a step back each toss.  Loser (who drops balloon) does 5 burpees Repeato until all 80+ balloons are gone…which was about 4 mins haha!


60 Pax! 23 Dads (2 Respects) 37 2.0s!!!



I have so many little things but here are just a few that pop in my head right now.  Please comment below to provide more.

Two things stood out the most for me, and others I’m sure noticed this as well: 1.  60 PAX showed up.  That tells me right there we are doing this again and soon! 2.  Beaker said it best when he said he didn’t recognize half the guys there.  A lot of you newer guys showed up for this and that’s something to give praise to.  Means we are getting some great quality guys joining the Carpex movement.  Also means we are building more HIMs for our community.

  • I wish I could have recorded the entire COT to get all the 2.0 names but it was about a 25 min COT haha!
  • Some 2.0 names were:  Sonic, Home, Hatchet, Beans, Qbert, Jukebox, The Wall, Solo, Solar, Steve, Piggy, Captain America, Life Jacket, …sorry please help me name the rest!!
  • A couple kids did not get named.  They want to enter the GLOOM to get their name!  Can’t wait!
  • I love Beans.  Our youngest out there today was Joe Smith’s 2 year old, Beans.  She did awesome!
  • Napster found us on the Internet and was an FNG on Tuesday and by Saturday he’s out there with his 2 kids, love it.
  • I’m happily surprised there wasn’t any crying.  I wasn’t thinking about the bropee circle being so chaotic but everyone survived.  Cool.
  • Thanks to Disco and Sooey for providing the post workout snacks and drinks!  Always a favorite of my 2.0 (FNG Sonic)
  • And lastly…
  • When’s the next one!?
  • Freed to lead, Dads.  Freed to lead!

Thank you all for making it a success and so much fun.  SYITG Shut-In

See also