Better late than never?

Beer Lover Socks - If you can read this bring me a beer - Great Gift!

So admittedly, this is like a week and a half overdo, but here’s my backblast from my GT Q from 1/11. Full disclosure (as previously stated in my Green Mile BB) I am a sucker for free stuff. And I have a problem with the number of pairs of socks I own already, so with the opportunity of free socks, I jumped at that chance! Anyway, I was surprised to see the number of cars in the parking lot that Friday morning. We apparently had a handful of ruckers for the Rolling Stone AO. As well as a couple of HIMs that ran EC and then were auditing a potential new AO. And at least 1 on the IR mosey train. After the pledge and mission statement at least a few guys actually followed me for some bootcamp action. Here’s what we did:

Warmup: Mosey out of the parking lot to the greenway and follow that all the way to the road where we turned left and headed toward the Circle on the Green where we circled up for:
SSH x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 5 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 IC
Seal Claps x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 silent count each side

The Thang: Starting from where we warmed up, everyone performs 10 merkins on YHC’s down. Then mosey down the next street until we reach the first intersection. There we performed 10 Steve Earle’s IC. Head back toward the circle where 10 more merkins were performed and then down the next street in a similar fashion. There were 6 streets in all. The rest of the exercises were something along the lines of LBCs, Bonnie Blairs, Leg Lifts, Jump Squats and Shoulder taps. (I have no idea if that’s right). After completing the circle and 70 merkins, we headed back to the flag. Largemouth had mentioned something about wanting to get his 100 merkins out of the way, so I obliged him stopping along the way for a few more sets of 10 merkins. 100 merkins- check. 3 mile minimum- check. Socks- check.

COT: We finished our 100 merkins just in time for the ruckers and most everyone else to make it back for COT. YHC took us out.

See also