Better Late Than Never

Eighteen PAX gathered this swampy moonlit morning at Carpex’s original limited-run AO, Tortoises. With the Dark of All Helmets fan club gathering happening over at SNS, YHC was very pleased with the turnout. Disco Duck and Frisco were already doing some EC, alternating intervals runs and pull-ups. YHC started to caution them that they might regret that later, but decided they would find out soon enough. No FNGs, but practice makes perfect, so let’s run through the disclaimer anyway. With that out of the way, let’s mosey around the front pickle, with some high knees (not hineys) worked in for variety.

Circle up back in the main lot for a short warm-up:

  • 10 Good Mornings in cadence
  • 10 Side Straddle Hops IC
  • 10 Hillbillies IC
  • Here’s Matador rolling in a bit behind schedule. YHC introduce himself as the Q for the day, and reminded him that we started at 5:30. The PAX then got to thank him for 10 penalty burpees OYO.

Punishment administered, we count off in 1s and 2s. Even numbers; love it when that works out! Group 1 heads to get some coupons from behind the dumpster and delivers them to the sidewalk near the church while Group 2 moseys over to the pull-up bars and plank hold until Group 1 joins them.

The Thang - Exploding Pickles

YHC had come up with this workout originally back in April for my 2-year F3-aversary, but had to bow out at the last minute because of recovering from some dental surgery. Time to dust it off and see what we’ve got.

Starting at the pull-up bars, do the specified reps of a given exercise then run the pickle. Come back, repeat the first exercise and then add the next one. Continue repeating and adding for 7 rounds. We split into the 2 groups to avoid congestion, with group 2 running first and group 1 starting on the exercises. Reps and exercises were:

5 Pull-ups
10 Inclined Merkins
15 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Knerkins (Knuckle Merkins)
25 Left-Right Step-Ups
30 Elf on the Shelf
35 Sumo Squats

See what YHC did there? By the end, everyone should have done 35 pull-ups, 60 inclined merkins, 75 Carolina dry docks, 80 knerkins, 75 left-right step-ups, 60 elf on the shelf, and 35 sumo squats. And, we spelled YHC’s name. Brilliant! (If I do say so.)

YHC had another thang in the back pocket, but alas, we’re out of time. Group 2 returns the concrete blocks while group 1 circles up and starts on Mary. By the time YHC returned to the circle the PAX had already done some LBCs. Frisco informed me of this when I tried to call it. So, YHC thanked him for his leadership and then called, you guessed it… LBCs. :) The rest of Mary was:

  • 15 Freddy Mercuries
  • 10 American Hammers
  • Have a Nice Day

Count-a-rama: 18 PAX; 3 hates, 4 respects, 11 meh


  • Disco Duck and Earhardt are scouting out a new AO on the border of Carpex and South Wake, at Jack Smith Park. The idea would be to alternate Q weeks between the two regions. Scouting mission set for a couple of weeks from now.
  • Disco Duck asking for help moving things from his FIL’s house in Angier on Saturday. YHC and Frisco are in, but another truck probably wouldn’t hurt. 3rd F Slack channel for details.


  • Disco’s friend Rory who went in for a bone scan yesterday. Prayers that his cancer has not spread.
  • Safe travels for Earhardt and his M as they drive to Roanoke today.
  • Safe travels for Leprechaun coming home from Florida Sea Base with scouts today as well as YHC’s M who is en route to Africa (Kenya, Tanzania) for two weeks on safari with a friend.


  • Wow! That was a lot harder and took longer than it looked like on paper. There was some confusion about the repeating and adding of the next exercise, but judging from the grumbling, it seems like the PAX figured it out.
  • That said, exploding pickles may happen again. It was a solid beat-down.
  • Someone needs to invent another exercise beginning with E so we don’t have to do Elf on the Shelf anymore. At the end of all the other shoulder work, lifting a cinderblock was not easy.
  • Disco Duck like the routine so much he told me that I was Number One at one point during the thang. I’m pretty sure that’s what he meant.
  • #ProTip: don’t eat Stouffer’s French Bread pizzas at 8:30 the night before you Q. YHC slept awfully due to reflux and heart burn. The M’s not even gone a full day and the decline is already on!
  • As always, a pleasure to lead you gentlemen!

See also