Best Work Out of the Year (so far)

YHC pulled into the parking lot at Apex Community Park bracing for the cold, but as soon as I got out of the car my heart was warmed by the sight of so many of my brothers, smiling and excited to get after it despite the bitter temperature.


Mosey over to the gravel parking lot at the top of The Hill and circle up for

Side straddle hops x 20

Imperial walkers x 18 (PAX caught on to what I was doing at this point)

Plank jacks x 20

Hill billys x 18

Sir Fazio x 20

Sir Fazio reverse x 18

The Thang

Mosey to the bottom of The Hill for 11’s (since the date is 1/1), prisoner squat jumps at the top, merkins at the bottom.  Finish up and toss the keys to Parker for a trip around the lake with 20 stops and 18 repetitions at each stop.

18 cotton pickers IC

18 squats OMD


18 merkins IC

18 burpees OYO

Pick up the six

18 good morning (9) windmill (9) IC

18 squat jump OMD

18 freddie merks IC

“18” bear crawl the parking lot

18 burpees OYO

18  count squat hold (pu the six)

18 single leg lunges IC

18 (something abs I cant recall) IC

18 diamond merkin OMD

18 burpees OYO in the pier

Pick up the six

18 plank jack IC

18 jump lunges (sort of IC)

18 dying cockroach IC

18 derkins OMD

“18” Billy Run to the flag (yes, this was an audible instead of 18 burpees IC)


No Mary, ran out of time.


Count-a-rama:  41 Name-a-rama:  12 RESPECTs, 26 mehs, 3 HATEs, FNGs O-for, Escapee and Cherry Garcia Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for friends and family of Red Ryder’s high school classmate who passed away recently, prayers for Smokey’s wife as she travels out of town for a funeral, praise from Hello Kitty for getting through the past few stressful days, continued prayers for Spartan’s M as she recovers from complications after shoulder surgery, continued prayers for Yogi’s friend Tony as he will probably have surgery next week, continued prayers for Swag as he deals with tough family issues, continued prayers for Burt’s brother-in-law John as he deals with cancer. BOM:  Parker took us out.


Future A-Team Q’s the gravel lot is not a good spot for warm-up.  I had to audible out of doing burpees, not the way I wanted to start my year.  So you guys owe me 18 burpees, I’ll be collecting them before the end of the year.

The greenway around the lake is beautiful, but it’s two miles long, which is too long for a normal 45 minute workout.  Turns out it was a little too long for a 60 minute workout too.  Thanks to the PAX for sticking with us and not complaining about the overtime.

You know we’ve got something special when 41 men come out on New Year’s Day to run around in 17 degree weather.  I don’t know about you guys, but I wasn’t there for the work out, I was there to spend time with my brothers, the guys who helped make 2017 a great year for me.

Thanks to Parker for the co-Q, I look forward to getting after it with you more in 2018.

Thanks for letting us lead.

See also